:令人难以置信的财产,位于 Vila Verde de Ficalho。 塞尔帕市的教区以其传统、橄榄油、蜂蜜和葡萄酒而闻名!距西班牙-葡萄牙边境4公里。 提供您日常所需的所有服务(CTT、药房、超市、小学)。 该物业由4间卧室、客厅、餐厅、厨房和浴室组成。它还有一个别具特色的天井,有通往后街的大门和一个露台。 一些楼梯可以通往宽敞的阁楼,所有阁楼都有一个可用区域,已经有几个分区。 非常适合投资当地住宿,或者如果您想逃离城市的喧嚣,寻找阿连特茹乡村的宁静。 不要错过参观的机会!现在就给我打电话! .
A stone's throw from neighbouring Spain, located in a place full of history, which in a not too distant past, and for decades on end, marked our people and nuestros hermanos, is the small Aldeamento da Guarda Fiscal in Vila Verde Ficalho, in the district of Beja, situated in the middle of Alentejo.It is an urban house, once used by the authorities that controlled the entrances and exits to and from Portugal and Spain. Probably millions of citizens from both countries passed through that place, many of them with more or less happy stories to tell. It was a different time, but one that greatly marked our history.The village is part of a property with a total area of 7.6 hectares, with 1,060 m2 of already existing constructions, which may reach an additional 1,300 m2 to be built, given a project already approved by Turismo de Portugal, for the construction of a 4* Rural Hotel, consisting of 30 rooms (2 suites), reception, restaurant, bar, swimming pool, events room for 150 people, SPA with indoor pool, service area and olive press.The property also has a traditional olive grove, with 670 centennial olive trees, producing 10 tons of olives per year.It is recommended as an Investment, considering the great proximity to Spain, for Tourism, Senior Residences, Events or Commercial Surface. Excellent accesses. (Refr. 901-22).
它由一块 5000 平方米的地块组成,有一个覆盖面积为 115 平方米的房子,包括一个门廊、客厅、厨房、两间卧室、浴室和一个储藏室。在较大的卧室和客厅预装空调。阁楼中用于太阳能电池板的水电管道。它仍然为扩大覆盖区域做好了预先准备。供水来自它自己的洞,还有一口古井。地上有农具小仓库,种植了多种果树。欲了解更多信息,请与我们联系。价格可再商量。
总面积 180 平方米的住宅,可进行全面改造,非常适合新项目,位于阿尔茹什特雷尔市中心,附近有各种服务设施。距离 A2 高速公路 6 公里,位于里斯本和阿尔加维的中途立即预约参观!.
别墅总面积 561 平方米,包括 4 间卧室、门厅、厨房、客厅、浴室和储藏室。后院面积很大,受益于 1 个自流井,车库有合理的区域,可以放置 2 辆车。房子位于安静的 Corte Vicente Anes 村,距离 Beja 30 公里,距离 Aljustrel 6 公里,距离 A2 12 公里,距离里斯本和阿尔加维一半距离。检查您的光临。
酒店位于 Ferreira do Alentejo,地理位置优越,靠近商店和服务。它有 4 间卧室、带壁炉的客厅、客厅、浴室、厨房、与房子一样大的露台和储藏室。需要翻新工程,准备做一楼。