鲁斯蒂科土地在维拉诺瓦德本托, 在塞尔帕理事会物业近七公顷,与废墟,可以重建,与一个极好的景色和梦幻般的景观采取呼吸,是一个财产与可耕地的可耕地文化,整个财产是围栏,有一个井,但没有电,财产,因为它有一个鲁尼亚,可用于重建你的避难所在阿连特霍,在一个僻静的地区,但通往物业的道路是好的,只有在进入物业的最后一部分是,它是更糟糕的看到访问甚至只到农场具有流以穿过属性这个农场位于维拉诺瓦德圣本托教区,在塞尔帕的议会,这个地方有学校,日托,超市,银行,教区理事会,Ctt和大量的休闲空间,在塞尔帕市已经拥有所有的服务, 几个银行, 市商会, 教区议会, 社会保障保护金融服务, 图书馆和博物馆如果您有兴趣购买此物业一定要联系,我们可以介绍物业和帮助在购买和收购的整个过程中 能源率: Exempt ref: 10194.
Isolated estate, with a 135 m² house set in 44 hectares, located 7 km southeast of the old Roman/Moorish fortified city of Serpa.The location is secluded, providing complete privacy, with access via a 3.5 km dirt path. All the views around the house belong to the estate.The property includes:- 2 small lakes;- 1 well;- 1 river that crosses it, ensuring an abundance of water all year round;- Olive trees and cork oaks scattered throughout the area.The property needs rehabilitation to regain its splendour. It consists of:- main house of 135 m², in the style of a European hunting lodge;- 2 independent houses in the traditional style of the region;- 1 smoked meat;- large stable;- bread oven;- Miscellaneous agricultural buildings.Come and discover this property, with a special location, which offers several possibilities of use: agricultural, tourist or leisure.
位于 Serpa 市 Vila Nova de São Bento 的绝佳房产,随时准备成为您的避难所,这片约 50 公顷的质朴土地拥有橄榄树栓皮栎和圣栎的可耕地雨养文化,您可以享受大自然最好的东西. 这是一个独特的地方,拥有令人叹为观止的景观,有一条小溪穿过该物业,有三栋房屋,还有另一个可以重建的废墟,是乡村旅游的绝佳机会,或者只是为了躲避城市的喧嚣在这片土地上,有来自井的水,一条穿过它的溪流,还有电力. 有些梦想需要融资,我们由训练有素且合格的专业人员负责您的融资,帮助您免费获得最佳条件,我们每天与所有银行实体合作,以保证为您提供最佳的抵押贷款解决方案. 能源率: E ref: 10179.