房产位置/特征:这座位于阿连特茹心脏地带的迷人住宅为您创造梦想家园提供了绝佳机会。这栋两层住宅拥有 3 间卧室和露台,空间宽敞,可舒适便利地容纳您的家人。这栋住宅位于博尔巴镇,周围环绕着美丽而宁静的乡村景观,是寻求宁静与安宁之人的完美避风港。想象一下,您可以在屋顶露台上欣赏日落,或与家人或朋友享受轻松休闲的时光。优越的地理位置让您可轻松享受当地便利设施,如餐厅、商店和服务。此外,阿连特茹地区以其户外活动而闻名,如远足、骑自行车和骑马,让您尽情享受周围的自然美景。虽然可能需要对室内进行一些必要的现代化改造,但这为您提供了根据自己的品味和风格个性化定制每个角落的机会,让您的创造力尽情发挥,根据您的需求和喜好调整空间。然而,这栋住宅完全宜居且维护良好。无论如何,图片中展示了一项室内改造/现代化改造的平面图研究,使空间更加舒适便利,与当今主流的偏好/需求保持一致。不要错过在阿连特茹创造您梦想家园的机会。具有这种潜力的房产越来越有价值。这可能是您投资具有极佳回报率房产的机会。成为这个地区迷人而宁静的生活方式的一部分。立即联系我们,开始将您的梦想变为现实。立即预约参观!周边环境:优越的地理位置,房产周围提供各种服务,包括文化、餐饮、商业和服务。可快速轻松地前往大型城市和典型的阿连特茹村庄。重点包括:- 公共游泳池、公共花园、学校;- 距离博尔巴镇中心 5 分钟(商业/服务和学校)- 距离里斯本市中心 1.30 小时(经 A6 高速公路)- 距离埃武拉 30 分钟- 距离西班牙巴达霍斯 20 分钟- 山区/平原的生态漫步/小径;山地自行车- 河滩和水上运动 - 阿尔克瓦水库距离 35 分钟- 校车- 典型的阿连特茹餐饮/葡萄酒旅游投资葡萄牙的原因它是世界上第三大最佳国家,也是欧洲最佳宜居和工作国家(国际人士 2019 年“外籍人士洞察”报告,这是一个拥有 300 万在国外工作的侨民的网络);- “欧洲退休人员的新乐园”(法国报纸《世界报》);- 最适合外国退休人员的目的地之一(美国杂志和网站《国际生活》);- 世界上最好的医疗保健系统之一(英国广播公司);- 世界上最安全的国家之一(美国国务院);- 欧洲最具吸引力的海外留学地点之一(英国 Quacquarelli Symonds 的“Topuniversities”)。面积:总面积:155.71 平方米 - 使用面积:106.30 平方米.
房地产特征:让您沉醉于这个百年历史的古朴住宅的历史和潜力,该住宅位于阿连特茹迷人地区的中心地带,博尔巴。凭借丰富的文化和建筑遗产,该房产提供了一个独特的机会,可以创造一个温馨的避难所或一个令人难忘的投资项目。主要特点:传统建筑:这座百年历史的住宅拥有几个世纪以来的建筑,保留了原汁原味的元素,如厚厚的石墙、木质加工的门窗和陶土屋顶,保留了那个时代的魅力和真实性。宽敞的内部:探索宽敞多功能的室内空间,提供机会根据您的特定需求和品味创建个性化布局。外部:该房产配有一个私密庭院,可创造一个迷人的户外空间,非常适合户外用餐、享受宁静时光,甚至种植芳香草本植物。中心位置:这座百年历史的住宅位于博尔巴的中心地带,地理位置优越,距离所有当地设施都很近,如风景如画的商店、温馨的咖啡馆和迷人的历史古迹。改造潜力:此外,它还具有巨大的潜力,可以改造成一个迷人的避难所、一个田园诗般的度假屋,甚至是一个住宿加早餐旅馆。凭借其真实性和优越的地理位置,它是创造一个真正特别的空间的完美场景,以庆祝阿连特茹的传统。该广告包含现有住宅的平面图,以及仅调整内部以适应 T3 类型的新平面图。博尔巴市:葱郁的自然:博尔巴周围环绕着迷人的景观,以金色的田野、百年橄榄树和雄伟的软木橡树为特色。该地区是户外活动的邀请函,如远足、骑自行车和观察野生动物。靠近该市的阿尔克瓦水坝提供水上活动和在水边放松身心的机会。文化和传统:在博尔巴,文化和传统通过当地的节日、传统集市和全年的文化活动得以保持活力。宗教节日也在城市生活中发挥着重要作用,庆祝活动反映了当地社区的虔诚和信仰。葡萄酒和美食:博尔巴也以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,是阿连特茹葡萄酒产区的组成部分。村庄周围起伏的葡萄园生产浓郁的红葡萄酒和清爽的白葡萄酒,可以在当地的酒窖品尝。阿连特茹美食本身也是一个景点,传统的菜肴包括羊肉炖菜、玉米粥、当地奶酪和修道院甜点,满足最挑剔的口味。不要错过拥有博尔巴历史的机会。立即联系我们,了解更多关于这个隐藏的宝石的信息,并开始您的下一个生活或投资项目!周围环境:健康中心和社会村(学校、健身房、室内游泳池和老年之家)- 公共游泳池、公共花园、学校;- 山区/平原的生态散步/小径; BTT- 河滩和水上运动 - 阿尔克瓦 35``- 典型的阿连特茹餐厅/葡萄酒旅游- 1.30 小时从里斯本市中心(通过 A6)- 30`` 埃武拉- 20`` 西班牙 - 巴达霍斯 面积:总面积:200.00 平方米 - 使用面积:136.00 平方米 - 土地面积:113.00 平方米.
This property offers a 3 bedroom main house, with 190 m², complemented by two large agricultural storage annexes and a barbecue with oven and barbecue, all inserted in a vast plot of 35,000 m², fully fenced and equipped with several parks.With an excellent water supply infrastructure, the property has 3 boreholes and access to public water and energy networks, as well as a septic tank.Constitution of the main house:- 3 bedrooms; - 3 rooms;- 3 pantries;- 2 bathrooms;- 1 library;- 1 kitchen.- The house has air conditioning as well as a wood burning stove and two large fireplaces. - The hill has video surveillance and alarmTerrain features:- olive grove with 740 olive trees;- 5000 m² of productive vineyards;- variety of fruit trees, including: 2 almond trees 10 orange trees1 lemon tree 2 cherry trees 2 jingeiras 6 loquat trees 3 laurel trees 3 pear trees2 apple trees3 pear trees7 fig trees 6 quince trees4 walnut trees2 avocado trees 10 peach trees1 persimmon tree1 apricot tree 2 strawberry trees 11 plum trees8 prickly pear trees 5 pine trees 1 mulberry tree.A beautiful garden, with an Argentine pine, a plane tree, a mulberry tree, a rosewood, a chorisia, two palm trees, several sculptures, with shrubs and a wide variety of flowers from all eras.The land is equipped with an irrigation tank, drip irrigation system, ensuring the efficient maintenance of the vegetation.This is a unique opportunity for those looking for a rural refuge with productive land, in harmony with nature and excellent conditions for farming.
The 'Moradia do Emigrante' is located in the city of Borba, in Alentejo, 10 minutes from Estremoz, and about 5 minutes from the exit node of the A6 motorway and less than 2 hours from Lisbon and the Humberto Delgado International Airport.The House with the typology T4, with an overall area of 210 m2, completely habitable, with two floors, yard / patio with 109 m2, garage, laundry, multipurpose covered space and terrace, comprising also: 3 bedrooms with the floors in wood in great condition, in parquet, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms also with the floors in solid mahogany parquet, one of them with fireplace, 1 kitchen equipped with cupboards, 1 pantry, 1 marquise, 1 entrance hall and staircase of access to the upper floor, in marble with solid wood handrail, 1 wardrobe in the upper hall, balcony with unobstructed views. These are very spacious rooms with very generous dimensions.To point out the application of marbles in many areas of the house and tijoleira in the kitchen. The water heating is done by termoacumulador. In spite of being a house with some dozens of years, its state of conservation, we again refer, is frankly very good, given that it was little used, since the owners live abroad. The registration situation of the property, is totally clean, ready for the notarial deed to be signed. The town of Borba has a number of public services, banks, health centre and supermarkets. Very quiet and peaceful place. The property, once transacted, is perfectly suitable, to live in permanently or as a weekend holiday home. (Ref. 800-3). 能源率: D ref: 800-3.
博尔巴(Matriz)位置优越的 T2 公寓我向您展示了博尔巴市中心的这套迷人公寓,位于弗洛贝拉·埃斯潘卡街,靠近博尔巴市政厅、学校和各种服务,如市政体育公园(那里有足球场和室内游泳池)、消防队、超市、咖啡馆和商业区,周围环绕着花园和绿地。这间公寓环境宜人,提供舒适和便利。进入公寓后,您会发现入口大厅,可通往所有其他房间。厨房配备烤箱、炉灶、油烟机和宽敞的操作台,非常适合烹饪美味佳肴。厨房内有一个小储藏室,可通往非常适合烧烤和晾晒衣物的半封闭式外阳台。公寓有两间宽敞的卧室,配有嵌入式衣柜。其中一间卧室配备了空调。有一个带浴缸和玻璃挡板的完整浴室。宽敞的客厅配备空调和 Bio Bronpi 的颗粒热回收器,有两个凸窗可通往外阳台,光线充足,让您尽享轻松时光。公寓配备太阳能电池板和蓄热器,用于加热水。该公寓于 2015 年底购买,状况良好,设施齐全。位于博尔巴的中心地带,您将距离当地商店、餐馆和基本设施仅几步之遥。通往主要道路使探索该地区变得更加容易。停车方便。距离:步行 5 分钟即可到达市中心(服务和商业)驾车 2 分钟即可到达超市“Pingo doce”驾车 5 分钟即可到达 A6 高速公路驾车 15 分钟即可到达埃什特雷莫什驾车 25 分钟即可到达埃尔瓦斯驾车 35 分钟即可到达西班牙/巴达霍斯驾车 45 分钟即可到达埃武拉1 小时。驾车 30 分钟即可到达里斯本如需更多信息,请随时与我们联系。快来参观吧!.
'Quinta da Palmeira' is located near the city of Estremoz, in Alentejo. It is a property with manorial characteristics, especially very marked in what remains of the beautiful family house, currently quite degraded and in need of recovery and restoration works.The property has an approximate area of 2.7 hectares, equivalent to 27,000 m2. The ground-floor house has approx. 175 sq. mts, and may be extended. To the rear of the house there is a small group of houses, also in ruins, that used to support the house and the property. We would like to point out details of the house, such as the chimneys, and more particular aspects of its interior that are very appreciable.The land is flat and 70% of the total area is wooded with a plantation of young cork oaks. It has a secular water wheel and an irrigation tank, besides the nice surrounding trees next to the house.Countryside views, good access and electricity. Truly unique place, for your weekend, holiday or permanent residence. We await municipal information, on the possibility of getting there another type of valences, as being Tourism in Rural Area.It is less than 5 minutes from the A6 motorway exit and 2 hours from Lisbon. (Ref. 856-22).