梦想在亲近大自然的环境中生活吗?想在里斯本附近寻找一个避难所吗?别再寻找了,您的机会来了!距离里斯本仅 45 分钟车程,您可以一边享受大自然和该地区特有的美丽绿地,一边悠闲地驾车,找到这个带游泳池和花园的三卧室住宅、123 平方米的棚屋和 50 平方米的车库的农场,需要进行一些改造工程。占地面积 1,133 平方米的房产和 17,250 平方米的土地分布在 4 个带自动灌溉系统和饮水器的围场,以及一个种植果树(栗子树、石榴树、无花果树、各种柑橘树等)和菜园的区域。住宅由带储藏室的厨房、门厅、带壁炉的客厅、餐厅、一间带浴缸浴室的套房、两间宽敞的卧室和一间带浴缸的完整浴室组成。一间由厨房、带壁炉的客厅、浴室和一间卧室组成的 T1 公寓,两个储藏区,每个约 25 平方米,几个马厩,包括两个双人马厩和四个单人马厩,一个马具室,一个 15m*28m 的马场和一个为马厩提供支持的服务浴室。该房产完全被围起来,有两个单独的入口(主入口通过 N19 公路,另一个可通过工程师 Pimentel Fragoso 街直接进入,可直接进入马厩),有自己的照明,尽管拥有自来水,但由于拥有钻孔和一个为整个房产供水的蓄水池,因此在水方面自给自足。该房产位于圣埃斯特万镇,贝纳文特郊区,横跨圣塔伦/塞图巴尔边界,靠近塔霍河口自然保护区,距离里斯本、圣塔伦和塞图巴尔市中心仅 40 至 45 分钟的路程,距离机场仅 45 分钟路程。圣埃斯特万风景如画的商店和餐厅融为一体,为风景如画的景色增添了特色,而附近的城市中心阿尔科切特(25 分钟)和蒙蒂茹(30 分钟)则提供了各种现代化便利设施。圣埃斯特万的生活质量是重点,大自然和宁静至上,正如受高尔夫和马术活动影响很大的小镇生活所证明的那样。前往圣埃斯特万的交通非常便利,得益于 A1、A10 和 A13 等现代化高速公路,以及 N 18、N10 和 N19/IC3 等区域高速公路。无论您要去哪里,旅途都将是愉快的,风景也将是令人叹为观止的。如果您正在寻找一个理想的居住地,请随时与我联系,立即安排您的参观!.
Porta da Frente Christie's is pleased to present this magnificent property in the exclusive Mata do Duque, located in Santo Estêvão, Benavente.This property, which stands out for its privacy and size, consists of a main house with over 1,100 square meters, comfortably dividing the social and private areas. On the ground floor, you will find two living rooms and a dining room with direct access to the garden and pool. Also on this floor is a spacious and fully equipped kitchen, connected to a breakfast area and a laundry room with a service suite. A wine cellar for wine enthusiasts and a guest area, consisting of a living room, two complete suites, and an independent entrance, complete this level. On the first floor, there are 3 large and bright suites, with the master suite offering access to a generous balcony.The entire property is surrounded by 2 hectares of meticulously maintained land. It features a large garden, a fruit tree area, a spacious swimming pool supported by changing rooms, a barbecue, and a game room. There are also two closed garages and an annex that serves as a one-bedroom apartment (T1). Additional features include a private water supply through a borehole and solar panels for water heating.Mata do Duque, located in Santo Estêvão, is a prestigious residential area in the municipality of Benavente. Known for its tranquility and natural surroundings, the area is characterized by vast private estates on large plots, offering privacy and a lifestyle in direct contact with nature. It is highly sought after by those who value the serenity of the countryside without compromising on comfort and proximity to Lisbon, which is about 40 minutes away.Porta da Frente Christie's, with nearly three decades of experience in the real estate market, stands out for its excellence in properties and developments, both for sale and for rent. Selected by the prestigious Christie's International Real Estate brand to represent Portugal in the areas of Lisbon, Cascais, Oeiras, and Alentejo, our primary mission is to provide excellent service to all our clients.
三卧室平房位于圣埃斯特万的 Mata do Duque II。令人惊叹的住宅与周围的自然美景完美融合。这所房子面积宽敞,旨在提供舒适性、功能性和令人印象深刻的视觉效果。在住宅内部,有一个宽敞明亮的客厅和餐厅,透过大窗户接收充足的自然光。设备齐全的厨房,设计实用且精致。住宅有三间套房,均配有宽敞的嵌入式衣柜,提供充足的存储空间。除了卧室外,还有一间光线充足的书房、洗衣房、晾衣架和封闭式车库。花园经过精心设计。快来参观!.
圣埃斯特万是一个位于阿尔曼索尔河畔的城市中心,是塔古斯河口自然保护区的一部分。它是候鸟停驻的重要区域,尤其是数量众多的鹳。它距离里斯本 50 分钟路程,距离连接 A1 和 A6 的 A13 高速公路入口 5 分钟路程。在这个宁静祥和的环境中,我们发现了这座农舍,其设计具有典型的里巴特茹风格,周围环绕着精心修剪的草坪和舒适的棚屋,让您可以尽情享受清新的乡村空气。主屋包括一个客厅、餐厅、2 间套房和 4 间卧室,设有 4 间浴室和 1 间卫生间、厨房和洗衣房、阁楼和车库。对于那些想为马匹寻找空间的人,这里还有 4 个砖石马厩和一个马具室、2 个可拆卸马厩、一个铺有二氧化硅和纤维地板并配有 LED 照明的“马场”和 16 个带水的“围场”。在马匹区域旁边,还有一栋带 3 间卧室、一间客厅和一个小厨房的辅助房屋。该房产有一个钻孔、太阳能电池板、狗舍和鸡舍。来吧,在距离里斯本 45 分钟路程的地方呼吸清新的乡村空气。参观并陶醉其中!.