想象一下一栋散发着家庭生活气息的房子,其中每一个细节都反映了里巴特茹“葡萄牙之家”的灵魂。距离里斯本 45 分钟路程,交通便利。坐落在占地 20,000 平方米的“Mata do Duque”分区迷人景观中,这栋面积为 1,120 平方米的房子被精心打理的花园所环绕,突出了宁静与和谐的感觉。主屋分为三个不同的部分:朝南的主体部分、朝东的服务区和朝西的客人或子女区域。在两层楼的主体部分,我们在花园层找到了社交区域——面积超过 170 平方米的多个房间、面积为 40 平方米的厨房/餐厅。客人或儿童区域包括两间套房和一间游戏室。在一楼,设有 55 平方米的主套房和两间套房。在“服务区”,还有一间服务套房、看门人的房子(T2,带客厅、2 间卧室、浴室和厨房)和一个处理衣物的区域。在地下室,我们发现了一个气势恢宏的酒窖,配有一张促进社交的桌子。这座住宅采用传统方式建造,具有坚固的混凝土结构、双层砖墙和葡萄牙瓷砖屋顶,屋顶有多个坡面,开口处有石框,周围有一个凉棚,可以防止过热。施工质量极佳,使用了最好的材料,打造出一栋经久耐用且美观宜人的房屋。至于外部,通过一个凉棚,可以通往花园和宁静的咸水游泳池。游泳池的配套空间非常适合社交,设有浴室、厨房、烧烤架和一个非常适合户外用餐的凉棚。圣埃斯特万德贝纳文特地区因其自然美景和靠近里斯本而成为豪华住宅市场的热门区域。该地区提供各种各样的房产选择,如农场和庄园,通常占地面积大且设施高档,此外还有现代化住宅和经过修复的传统房屋。要点:• 位置:靠近里斯本(45 到 60 分钟),交通便利。拥有美丽的自然风光和宁静的环境。• 房产类型:农场、庄园、现代住宅和经过修复的传统房屋。• 便利设施和服务:高尔夫球场、马术俱乐部和户外活动。• 生活方式:宁静、私密、专属社区和社交活动。• 投资:房地产增值潜力,无论是在里斯本的实际价格,还是靠近现有和新的阿尔科切特机场。.
底层:1 间卧室;1 间带淋浴底座的公共卫生间;开放式厨房;客厅/餐厅书房一楼:2 间卧室;1 间带淋浴底座的公共卫生间;凉廊和阳台室外:花园游泳池室外卫生间机房带自动装置的门200 升热水器自用太阳能电池板Wallbox 充电器.
欢迎来到贝纳文特迷人的圣埃斯特万区。这座令人惊叹的庄园始建于 2004 年,多年来不断完善,现在已成为该地区备受推崇的豪华房产之一,为其居民提供完全的隐私和宁静,是寻求精致而宁静生活的人们的完美避风港。庄园坐落在迷人的杜克森林中,周围环绕着令人叹为观止的自然景观。占地面积 20,000 平方米,实用面积 789 平方米,该房产展现了优雅与功能性的独特结合。精心设计的细节和高品质的装饰随处可见。走进庄园,您会被周围宁静而温馨的氛围所吸引。宽敞的绿地与乡村的全景交相辉映,营造出宁静祥和的环境。安全是重中之重,庄园安装了摄像头,可确保您和家人的安宁和保护。周边地区提供各种舒适设施和活动供您享受。附近有出色的高尔夫球场,如里巴高尔夫球场和圣埃斯特万高尔夫球场,高尔夫运动爱好者会在这里找到真正的天堂。对于文化爱好者来说,贝纳文特市立图书馆、萨莫拉科雷亚文化中心、贝纳文特电影院和因凡塔多宫殿距离酒店仅几公里,可提供娱乐和文化熏陶。这座宏伟庄园的主屋拥有 6 间宽敞的套房、2 间带全景壁炉的起居室、2 个优雅的用餐区、1 间电影室、1 间游戏室和一间舒适的办公室。此外,还有一间带浴室的佣人房,确保服务人员的便利性和隐私。该房产采用带门窗和隔热材料的双层玻璃,营造宁静宜人的环境。这个庄园在休闲娱乐方面毫不逊色。在游泳池或室内按摩浴缸中享受轻松的下午,在土耳其浴室或桑拿房中尽情享受,或在室内或室外的健身房保持活力。还有一个网球场供您练习球技,一个迷你高尔夫球场供家人享受欢乐时光,还有一个游乐场供孩子们探索。庄园还设有一个可容纳四辆车的宽敞车库,配备电动汽车充电系统,从而为现代交通提供了可持续的解决方案。太阳能电池板、两个水井和容量为 15,000 升的储罐等生态特征使这个庄园更加高效和环保。至于位置,这个豪华庄园交通便利,距离里斯本仅 40 分钟路程,距离高速公路约 10 公里,可轻松享受城市的所有便利设施。该房产可带家具或不带家具出售。定制家具、舒适的沙发、优雅的地毯和一些古董可以包含在销售中,让您有机会立即搬进您的新家。不要错过购买这座非凡房产的机会,它将豪华、隐私和宁静的生活与里斯本市中心相结合。立即预约参观,让自己在这个位于贝纳文特圣埃斯特万的宏伟庄园中梦想着精致和独一无二的生活。特征:外部特征 - 烧烤;温水游泳池,游乐场,迷你高尔夫,球场,花园;露台/甲板;内部特征 - 门厅;壁炉;嵌入式电器;套房浴室;壁橱;S.
圣埃斯特万是一个位于阿尔曼索尔河畔的城市中心,是塔古斯河口自然保护区的一部分。它是候鸟停驻的重要区域,尤其是数量众多的鹳。它距离里斯本 50 分钟路程,距离连接 A1 和 A6 的 A13 高速公路入口 5 分钟路程。在这个宁静祥和的环境中,我们发现了这座农舍,其设计具有典型的里巴特茹风格,周围环绕着精心修剪的草坪和舒适的棚屋,让您可以尽情享受清新的乡村空气。主屋包括一个客厅、餐厅、2 间套房和 4 间卧室,设有 4 间浴室和 1 间卫生间、厨房和洗衣房、阁楼和车库。对于那些想为马匹寻找空间的人,这里还有 4 个砖石马厩和一个马具室、2 个可拆卸马厩、一个铺有二氧化硅和纤维地板并配有 LED 照明的“马场”和 16 个带水的“围场”。在马匹区域旁边,还有一栋带 3 间卧室、一间客厅和一个小厨房的辅助房屋。该房产有一个钻孔、太阳能电池板、狗舍和鸡舍。来吧,在距离里斯本 45 分钟路程的地方呼吸清新的乡村空气。参观并陶醉其中!.
Luxury Villa / Estate with 726 sqm and 3.4Ha of Land, with Pool, for Sale in Santo Estevão, Benavente, SantarémLand Area: 34.500 sqm (3.4 Ha)Gross Building Area: 726 sqmYear of Construction: 2008Features:- Luxury Finishes- Saltwater Pool- Water Well- Automatic Irrigation- Covered Garage for 4 Cars- Large AreasGround Floor:- Living Room- Dining Room- Game Room- Spacious Kitchen- Laundry Room- 1 Master Suite (Bedroom + Closet + Bathroom with Jacuzzi)- 2 Suites (Bedroom + Bathroom)First Floor:- Living Room- 2 Bedrooms- BathroomLocated near the Santo Estevão Golf Course, this charming property offers more than just a house; it's an invitation to live in harmony with nature.With a unique proposition that combines comfort, convenience, and green living, this property stands out not only for its privileged location but also for the details that make it truly special.The land surrounding the house is a true gem of nature. Filled with a variety of trees, it offers a serene refuge where one can enjoy moments of tranquility and contemplation. Each season brings a new landscape, painting the scenery with vibrant colors or soft tones as nature takes its course.Imagine waking up every morning to the birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, while enjoying breakfast on the terrace, immersed in the serenity of the natural environment. This is the lifestyle that this property offers: a perfect blend of modern comfort and the untouched beauty of the surrounding nature.Whether it's relaxing after a game of golf, exploring trails in the forest, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings, this house provides the ideal space to create unforgettable memories and enjoy a life full of well-being and connection with the environment that surrounds it.Any doubt, just call us.NOTE: We make partnership and sharing with all professional real estate agents.ABOUT LT REAL ESTATEAt LT Real Estate, we prioritize DISCRETION, commit to operating with EXCELLENCE, and bestow DISTINCTION.Founded by Marisa Guedes and Bruno Queirós, LT Real Estate was established with the intention of solidifying itself as a benchmark of excellence.
探索一个独特的农场,拥有一个 T6 住宅和一个 T2 住宅的魅力,坐落在一个 20,000 平方米的完全封闭地块上,距离里斯本机场仅 40 分钟路程。这个具有典型里巴特茹风格的房产提供了一个宁静祥和的环境,非常适合那些寻求与大自然和谐相处的人。主屋设有温馨的起居和用餐室、两间套房、四间额外的卧室、四间浴室和一间卫生间,此外还有一个宽敞的厨房和洗衣房。外部同样令人印象深刻,拥有无可挑剔的草坪区域、温馨的棚屋和一条铺有二氧化硅和纤维的“车道”,并配有 LED 照明。该房产还包括 16 个带水的围场、四个砖砌马厩、马具室和两个可拆卸马厩。辅助住宅有两间卧室、一间书房、一间浴室、一间客厅和一个小厨房,非常适合访客或作为额外的住宿。这个农场配备了太阳能电池板、钻孔、狗舍和鸡舍,提供了所有现代化便利设施,同时又不失乡村魅力。朝南的设计确保了整个房屋都有充足的自然光线,而车库和嵌入式衣柜则提供了额外的存储空间。该房产建于 2003 年,状况良好,是那些希望在乡下寻找避难所但又不愿放弃舒适的人的完美选择。来体验里巴特茹的梦想吧!预约参观:何塞·卡洛斯。.
Luxury Villa / Estate with 726 sqm and 3.4Ha of Land, with Pool, for Sale in Santo Estevão, Benavente, SantarémLand Area: 34.500 sqm (3.4 Ha)Gross Building Area: 726 sqmYear of Construction: 2008Features:- Luxury Finishes- Saltwater Pool- Water Well- Automatic Irrigation- Covered Garage for 4 Cars- Large AreasGround Floor:- Living Room- Dining Room- Game Room- Spacious Kitchen- Laundry Room- 1 Master Suite (Bedroom + Closet + Bathroom with Jacuzzi)- 2 Suites (Bedroom + Bathroom)First Floor:- Living Room- 2 Bedrooms- BathroomLocated near the Santo Estevão Golf Course, this charming property offers more than just a house; it's an invitation to live in harmony with nature.With a unique proposition that combines comfort, convenience, and green living, this property stands out not only for its privileged location but also for the details that make it truly special.The land surrounding the house is a true gem of nature. Filled with a variety of trees, it offers a serene refuge where one can enjoy moments of tranquility and contemplation. Each season brings a new landscape, painting the scenery with vibrant colors or soft tones as nature takes its course.Imagine waking up every morning to the birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, while enjoying breakfast on the terrace, immersed in the serenity of the natural environment. This is the lifestyle that this property offers: a perfect blend of modern comfort and the untouched beauty of the surrounding nature.Whether it's relaxing after a game of golf, exploring trails in the forest, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings, this house provides the ideal space to create unforgettable memories and enjoy a life full of well-being and connection with the environment that surrounds it.Any doubt, just call us.NOTE: We make partnership and sharing with all professional real estate agents.ABOUT LT REAL ESTATEAt LT Real Estate, we prioritize DISCRETION, commit to operating with EXCELLENCE, and bestow DISTINCTION.Founded by Marisa Guedes and Bruno Queirós, LT Real Estate was established with the intention of solidifying itself as a benchmark of excellence.
Discover this extraordinary detached house that combines absolute privacy with maximum security, ideal for those looking for the perfect balance between tranquility and comfort.Set on a vast plot of 23.750sqm, this property offers extensive gardens, walking areas and enormous potential for expansion and customization. Opportunities like this are rare, with a lot that can be transformed into an authentic farm of your dreams.The house, in an exemplary state of conservation, reflects the care and attention to detail, and is ready to welcome a new family. With 563.71sqm of gross private area and 907.70sqm of total built area, the house offers large, well-distributed spaces. It has four elegant suites, including a master suite with a sophisticated closet. Additionally, the property includes two spacious offices, one downstairs and one on the mezzanine with a private balcony, providing perfect environments for both work and relaxation.Attention to detail is evident in every detail of this home. The floor is covered with unglazed terracotta tiles from Porcelanosa, while the flooring in the offices, mezzanine and bedrooms is in wide pine planks, providing a welcoming and rustic atmosphere. The ceiling of the main room and all porches are covered in wood, combining elegance and comfort, with the floor of the porches also covered in Porcelanosa terracotta.The fully equipped kitchen stands out for its high-standard appliances, such as a stove, two ovens and a Smeg hood, a double GE refrigerator and a built-in Miele dishwasher. The pantry, equally equipped, includes Miele washers and dryers. The bathrooms, in turn, are equipped with Roca toilets and Roca or Hansgrohe finishes, ensuring maximum quality and sophistication.The swimming pool, covered in blue tablets and running on a salt system, is the perfect space to relax. The pool house is fully equipped with a bathroom (with shower, toilet and sink), living room with space for a barbecue and a closed storage room. The garage offers ample storage space and capacity for two cars.Among other notable features, the villa includes heat pump heating, two solar panels for heating water in the summer, a borehole with direct variation pump capture to guarantee constant water supply, Prosegur anti-intrusion alarm system connected to the Central and to the Police station of Benavente, STRONG security patrol.