**宽敞灵活的住宅,地理位置优越——靠近恩特龙卡门托火车站**这是您在葡萄牙投资或建立新家的绝佳机会。它位于一个战略性的周边地区,**由于靠近恩特龙卡门托火车站,可以快速连接到市中心**,这座住宅提供空间、舒适性和多功能性,非常适合投资者或大家庭,包括选择在葡萄牙居住的外国人。- **主要房产特点**- **宽敞的居住面积:** 这座住宅拥有宽敞的空间布局,非常适合大家庭居住,或者改造成多个住宅单元,以实现投资回报。- **明亮实用的空间:** 房屋设计合理,区域划分明确,提供舒适和实用性,拥有多个卧室和温馨的公共区域。- **花园和户外区域:** 一个提供私密性的户外空间,非常适合家庭休闲或根据您的需求进行个性化定制。- **盈利潜力:** 对于投资者而言,鉴于其规模和靠近交通设施,该房产具有极高的升值和收益潜力。- **战略位置**- **快速连接市中心:** 距离恩特龙卡门托火车站仅几步之遥,可方便前往里斯本、波尔图和其他重要城镇。- **靠近服务设施:** 住宅靠近学校、超市、医疗中心和基本服务设施,非常适合追求日常生活便利的人。- **宁静与私密:** 虽然交通便利,但房屋位于宁静的住宅区,非常适合重视宁静而不牺牲便利性的家庭。- **寻求生活品质或盈利能力的完美解决方案**无论是舒适宽敞的居住,还是将其改造成投资项目,这座住宅都具备使其成为明智之选的所有品质。其优越的地理位置和宽敞的室内外空间,非常适合那些寻找可个性化定制的住宅或具有巨大回报潜力的机会的人。- **不要错过这个独特的机会。** 请立即联系我们以获取更多信息或安排参观。来发现这栋住宅如何成为您一直梦寐以求的投资或家园。.
我为您呈献一个位于恩特龙卡门托市(Entroncamento)加亚尔达(Gallarda)区,圣母法蒂玛堂区(N Srª de Fátima)的绝佳投资机会。这是一套三居室(T3)底层公寓,带车库和储藏室。公寓维护良好,面积宽敞,有两个卫生间和一个阳台。期待您的联系,抓紧时间,这套公寓很快就会售出!.
In the picturesque town of Entroncamento, this magnificent residential opportunity arises, a 2 bedroom flat with attic and garage, conveniently located on the 3rd floor. This property offers comfort and practicality in the heart of the city, ideal for those looking for a well-situated residence.Located in the centre of Portugal, Entroncamento is known for being home to the second smallest municipality in the country in terms of land area. It should be noted that the Entroncamento Railway complex is the highlight of this charming city.The flat in question consists of a fully equipped kitchen, including oven, gas hob, washing machine and dishwasher and balcony. The living room also has a balcony, providing airy and bright spaces. In addition, there are two bedrooms also with a balcony, providing a pleasant atmosphere and connected with the outside environment. The flat also has a full bathroom with shower.Additionally, this property offers a spacious attic and a garage, elements that further enhance this housing proposal.For more information or to schedule a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available to provide all the necessary details about this excellent investment in Entroncamento.We know that buying a house is an important decision and that's why we're here to make this process as simple and safe as possible.Do you want to remodel or build your dream home?Do you already have a house but are thinking about changing and don't know where to start?We've got you covered!We want you to focus only on enjoying your new home.RB Real Estate - simple, transparent and personalised solutions.Visit us and discover everything we can do for you.