布罗盖拉出售待修复住宅,靠近托雷斯诺瓦斯。这处房产坐落在约 1,000 平方米的大片土地上,为您提供了一个绝佳机会来打造您梦想中的家园,并拥有足够的空间来建造花园、休闲区,甚至建造附属建筑。宁静的地理位置和靠近大自然的环境为寻求生活品质和宁静的人们提供了理想的环境。这座住宅具有巨大的升值潜力,非常适合希望投资并根据自己的喜好个性化定制家园的人士。- 距离里斯本约 1 小时路程;- 住宅距离 A1 和 A23 高速公路入口不到 10 分钟路程,可轻松通往主要道路,方便出行和连接;- 住宅距离托雷购物中心和托雷斯诺瓦斯市中心不到 15 分钟路程,可轻松享受服务、商业和休闲设施;不要错过机会,将这处房产打造成布罗盖拉迷人村庄中温馨宜人的避风港。立即预约!.
家庭住宅,周围是田野,可以看到塞拉德艾尔山脉,位于托雷斯诺瓦斯市门口。这栋房产有 4 间卧室,其中一间是套房,带花园和烧烤架,让您与家人共度美好时光。现代风格的设计旨在优化时间和最大限度地提高生活质量。我们重点介绍了以下完整的系统:空调、中央吸尘和环境音乐。立即预约参观,让您大吃一惊。.
Property with 18 hectares in Torres Novas. With 5 hectares of olive groves and 10 hectares of vineyards, 1000 almond trees, 120 fruit trees and 300 Galega solive trees, equipped with automatic irrigation system and borehole. It also has 650 m2 of built for agricultural and patio end of 830m2.Garvetur S. A. has been operating in the market since 1983 and is the anchor company of the Enolagest group.Garvetur offers its clients turnkey services and global services advice throughout the real estate investment cycle.We have extensive experience in the commercialization of housing developments, tourist villages, plots of land, real estate for business, cooperating with various business groups, national and international operators and network of agents, in the residential and tourist segments.Our client portfolio integrates the most prestigious groups with real estate operations in the Algarve, Lisbon and Porto, as well as other numerous real estate developers, hotel chains, public entities, financial institutions, investment funds, liberal professionals as well as individual buyers, business and institutional foreigners and nationals.MissionMake the most of the technological tools available to select the best deals and offer high quality services. By working on exclusive projects that create unique investment opportunities, our company never loses sight of the new needs of customers, so it strives for differentiated offers that are appropriate to the individual profile of those who demand our services. VisionWe aim to maintain the level of recognition and the ties created with customers, the result of the work and commitment of the qualified professionals who make up our team and, through a process of maximum satisfaction regarding the services provided, to obtain the leadership of the sector of activity in which we operate.ValuesThere is a commitment that is unalterable: our corporate culture of values cemented in rigor, transparency, seriousness and professionalism. And a goal that never goes out of style or changes: work focused on customer satisfaction.We will always create new forms of teamwork, we will every day seek to continuously improve the organization and innovation of our services and create a better managed organization for better results, where employees have an excellent wor.