3 bedroom apartment, with privileged location, next to the municipal market.The property consists of 3 bedrooms with wardrobes, living room, 2 bathroom and kitchen with direct access to laundry, on the side of the kitchen, where is the washing machine, also has an extra storage in the hallway and a storage room with 13m2 in the basement.The property is inserted on a 4th floor without elevator.Surrounding region:Stretching for about 70 km, the coast of the Western Algarve with its mild climate is a very pleasant tourist destination.The municipality of Portimão is always a pleasant alternative to spend your rest periods with excellent leisure options, rich in its gastronomy, with friendly people and stunning natural landscapes that attract residents and tourists almost all year round.Here the sun shines brightly about 300 days a year on the eight kilometers of the most beautiful and welcoming Algarve beaches. The beaches of the municipality with fine white sands, transparent, calm and refreshing waters extend between the Ria de Alvor a Westente and the estuary of The East Air.To visit the municipality of Portimão is to know a wide variety of beaches of different characteristics and available to enjoy at any time of the year: Praia da Rocha; Marina Beach; Beach of the 3 Castles; Careanos Beach; Vau Beach; Alemão Beach; João de Aréns Beach, Prainha; Beach of the 3 brothers; Torralta Beach; Alvor Beach.Be asurprise with the wide sands of Alvor Beach and Praia da Rocha with its unique beauty and its wide wooden walkways that run along the sand along which several bars and restaurants multiply; with the most hidden little coves, cliffs and caves along the coast; with rocky beaches such as Alemão beach or with the animation of the most familiar beaches.Leisure and cultureIn the municipality of Portimão there is no shortage of what to do and there is a wide offer in the sea on land and in the air because its mild climate makes it an option of choice for those who neither on vacation or leisure like to be still and enjoy the good time outdoors: sailing, canoeing, surfing, surfing, sport fishing, diving, underwater hunting, boat trips in the sea to caves and the River Arade, equestrian activities in the equestrian center, motor sports at the racetrack and international kartódromo of the Algarve, golf i.
这套壮观的公寓位于波尔蒂芒的一栋豪华公寓内,非常适合寻求精致、舒适和安全的人士。这间宏伟的公寓拥有 3 间宽敞典雅的套房,为您和您的家人提供隐私和舒适。 客厅宽敞且光线充足,非常适合放松或接待客人。现代化的厨房配备了最新的电器,非常适合准备美味佳肴。此外,公寓设有一个享有充足隐私的露台,您可以直接进入游泳池,享受美丽的阳光明媚的日子。公寓提供完善的基础设施,设有游泳池、绿地,为您提供应有的舒适和便利。不要错过在这间美妙公寓里享受奢华和精致生活的机会。 立即预约参观!波尔蒂芒是一座繁荣的国际大都市,已成为阿尔加维的主要旅游目的地之一。除了美丽的海滩、轻松前往高尔夫球场以及广泛的服务和娱乐活动之外,波尔蒂芒还拥有美丽的 Ria de Alvor。对于那些渴望探索这座城市的夜生活和休闲活动的热爱玩乐的游客来说,就像那些想要在受保护的 Ria de Alvor 的宁静景观中花上一整天时间观察候鸟的自然爱好者一样,这里会令他们感到满意。壮观的海滩将波尔蒂芒变成了今天热情好客、充满活力的城市。精致的金色海滩,被雕刻的悬崖所包围,形成了这片海岸的自然景观,提供了无尽的阳光明媚的日子和大量的水上运动。帆船、风帆冲浪、滑水、潜水和深海钓鱼与探索洞穴和天然隧道或从阿拉德河航行至锡尔维什市的乘船之旅相得益彰。波尔蒂芒东部有平静的水域、沼泽地和沙丘,属于阿尔沃河口保护区,这里是数十种候鸟的自然保护区,拥有最适合乘船欣赏的自然美景。除了野生动物之外,河口还提供了一个绝佳的机会来观察当地工人的技术,他们平静地执行着保障生计的任务:在河口水域收集盐和饲养贝类和鱼类。经过一天的阳光照射后,波尔蒂芒市提供了许多乐趣和休闲活动。码头上的餐厅非常适合品尝当地小吃、沙丁鱼搭配自制面包或由当地汤组成的全套餐点,然后是海螺斐乔达、海鲜米饭或炸墨鱼。传统的糖果和甜点——“morgados”、“蛋球”和“无花果馅”——均采用该地区的当地产品,如无花果和杏仁。沿海地区是休闲散步的理想场所,独特的 Clube Naval 提供俯瞰海港的一流餐厅。波尔蒂芒有很多购物机会,无论是在历史中心充满当地工艺品的狭窄街道,还是在现代化的购物中心。看看历史中心的商店,风景更美,非常适合购买当地的柳条制品、蕾丝和刺绣、陶瓷和铜器皿。 Praia da Rocha 地区的现代精品店也深受“必备”度假物品的欢迎。与阿尔加维海岸的大多数城镇一样,1755 年地震的破坏性影响使波尔蒂芒过去的辉煌几乎没有留下任何痕迹。 15 世纪的康塞桑圣母教堂 (Nossa Senhora da Conceição) 原来的教堂仅存大门、石像鬼和哥特式扶壁,其余部分均在 18 世纪和 19 世纪重建。耶稣学院风格简朴,融合了多种建筑风格,这也是由于几个世纪以来不断的重建工程造成的,但它拥有阿尔加维最大的教堂,也值得一游。距离酒店稍远的地方可以找到许多见证阿尔加维古代居民存在的历史名胜。阿比卡达考古遗址包含 1 世纪和 4 世纪的罗马别墅遗迹,阿尔卡拉有一座新石器时代/红铜时代的重要墓地,圣约翰和圣彼得教堂的摩尔式建筑让人想起穆斯林埋葬他们的圣地。宗教苦行者——隐士。高尔夫爱好者可以选择多个球场,包括阿尔托高尔夫乡村俱乐部、莫加多球场和著名的佩尼纳锦标赛球场。在波尔蒂芒,您永远不会缺少任何事情可做。如果阳光和海滩还不够,还有很多乐趣就在拐角处等待着您。.
O GARDEN CITY Residence,地块 16/17,是一个极具现代感的设计,最重要的是,它优先考虑生活质量。宽敞明亮的空间、与外部的开放关系、一系列卓越的材料和服务技术。公认的品味设计、优秀而现代的材料和装饰,加上最新的建筑技术,使该建筑成为市场上的标杆。位于波尔蒂芒市中心的黄金地段,靠近主要景点:市政市场、健康中心、圣卡米洛医院、小学、中学和市中心历史区。隔热断桥铝合金门窗,配双层玻璃电动隔热百叶窗一键控制所有窗户的百叶窗下降,一键关闭公寓入口处的灯光卫生间电热毛巾架预装空调通过容克斯或同等品牌热泵加热水,T2 为 200 升,T3 为 250 升,舒适系统,节能超过 70%浴室和厨房采用电地暖厨房阳台内置烧烤架ORONA 或同等品牌电梯,可容纳 8 人游乐场彩色可视对讲机公寓入口处高安全门能源等级 A能源类别:A参考编号:PBI-1322-L8-P5。.