房源编号:33786501 三卧室住宅,包括地下室、一楼、二楼和阁楼。这栋宏伟的住宅一楼有一个宽敞的区域,地下室可以作为车库。在二楼,我们可以找到一个客厅、带用餐区的厨房、三间卧室和一个浴室,以及双层玻璃窗。住宅还带有一个庭院空间,里面有一个烧烤架,您可以在那里与家人享受美餐。所提供的信息仅供参考,不具有约束力,不免除咨询和确认中介的信息。能源类别:D参考:LH/LF002-24。.
三卧室复式公寓,带露台和开阔视野——阿尔坎塔拉想象一下,每天早上醒来,一边欣赏蒙桑托山丘在阳光照耀下熠熠生辉的壮丽景色,一边俯瞰雄伟的 4 月 25 日大桥矗立在特茹河之上,为您带来独一无二的尊享体验,不仅能饱览美景,还能陶冶情操!在城市最具活力的区域之一,诞生了 Montisnávia 大厦,它融合了一座古老的宫殿和一座旧工厂,精心修复的外立面保留了这座建筑的历史气息,同时又采用了现代设计理念,将传统与现代完美融合。这座建筑是过去与现在的交汇点,位于城市夜生活的中心地带,附近有著名的餐厅,还有就在旁边的宜人的河滨漫步道,为您提供无与伦比的生活方式。在这座宏伟的建筑中,您可以找到这套三卧室公寓,分布在两层,4 楼和 5 楼,总面积为 207 平方米。一个装饰有壮观 4 月 25 日大桥和蒙桑托景观的露台(12 平方米)从客厅优雅地延伸出来,而楼上还有另一个阳台,同样可以欣赏到令人惊叹的景色。露台打破了屋顶的表面,让您能够欣赏到城市的全景。公寓内还有 3 间套房、设备齐全的现代设计开放式厨房和用餐区。这套公寓还拥有智能门禁和安全系统、公共洗衣房、两个带电动汽车充电站的停车位和储藏室。Montisnávia 大厦获得 A 级能源认证,确保无与伦比的品质和舒适度。不要忘记,阿尔坎塔拉区是里斯本一个迷人的街区,拥有悠久的历史和丰富的文化底蕴,最近,这里将一个旧工业区改造成 LX Factory,这是一个充满活力的创意中心,将办公室、商店、餐厅和咖啡馆完美地融合在一起。魅力、舒适、精致和独特性是这套公寓的特征。此外,阿尔坎塔拉区有望在 2026 年底成为该市的未来交通枢纽,届时将启用由著名建筑事务所 Aires Mateus 设计的新阿尔坎塔拉车站,该车站规划了两层:一层用于里斯本地铁,另一层用于未来的轻轨线路 LIOS(可持续交通线路)。该建筑还将做好准备,迎接阿尔坎塔拉未来的地下火车新车站,该车站将连接卡斯凯什和辛特拉线路。快来体验这个新概念吧。预约参观。.
Four-bedroom apartment converted into a luxury two-bedroom, with 176 m² of gross floor area, completely renovated in 2020, located in the prestigious area of Alcântara, Lisbon. This property features two bedrooms, including a spacious master suite with dressing room, and three bathrooms. The kitchen is fully equipped with top-of-the-range appliances and the social area consists of a large living room with three distinct environments.Converted into a two-bedroom apartment during the renovation, it has kept its charming architectural elements, such as the high ceilings and solid wood floors. All the rooms benefit from large windows that provide excellent natural light. The building, which is in excellent condition, has recently been painted, offering a neat aesthetic.The building does not have a garage, but there is the possibility of renting a parking space right next door.The location is one of the best in Alcântara, surrounded by a wide range of public transport, shops, supermarkets and restaurants. It is just a few meters from Colégio Avé Maria and close to the Lx Factory and Passeio Marítimo de Alcântara. It is also 10 minutes from Cuf Tejo Hospital.Overlooking the Tagus River, Alcântara is now a parish with a population of 13,911 people. Place with hills and valleys, which from the eighteenth century had an urban occupation. Alcântara offers a neighborhood experience that provides security, gardens, transport, shops and restaurants, schools and many more services, also harboring various points of historic and tourist interest, such as the Flemish Convent, the Alcântara Bridge, Calvário Convent and the Chapel of Santo Amaro.
在 Alcântara 的绝佳地区提供独特的机会!1 居室公寓于 2023 年翻新,状况良好,设有设备齐全的厨房空间分布:-門廳;- 带衣柜的走廊;- 宽敞明亮的客厅;- 设备齐全的厨房,自然光线充足;- 带衣柜的卧室- 公寓朝西,全天沐浴在自然光中,采用后向布局,提供更大的宁静它还有 2 个储藏室!位于 Rua dos Lusíadas,周边地区拥有各种服务花园公立和私立学校公共交通和良好的道路交通未来,距离新的 Alcântara 地铁站仅几步之遥通过典型的邻里体验,您可以享受城市的国际化生活方式和河滨地区的宁静在这个教区,有几个旅游和文化景点,例如 Lx 工厂圣阿马罗教堂和观景台Pilar 17 和艺术建筑和技术博物馆 (MAAT)Alcântara 周围环绕着绿地学校大学和传统与现代交融的大量遗产,是里斯本最具活力的地区之一编号: LS102404.