独家 T5 带 4 间宽敞套房 + 书房 - Telheiras - 开阔视野我们展示了这套宏伟的 T5 公寓,居住面积超过 200 平方米,位于查特斯·德·阿尔梅达的城市想象雕塑前,是 Telheiras 最具特权的地区之一。得益于朝向东方、南方和西方的三个正面,阳光充足,这处房产在白天提供独一无二的自然光线。公寓周围的阳台总面积超过 15 平方米,非常适合欣赏这处房产可提供的开阔视野。这套公寓是重视空间、舒适度和潜力的理想选择。通过简单的现代化改造,您可以将其改造成独一无二的公寓!空间分布和特点:社交区:宽敞的门厅,带社交卫生间;15 平方米的大厨房,配备洗衣房和储藏室,是喜欢实用性和组织性的人的理想选择;令人印象深刻的 52 平方米客厅,可直接通往其中一个阳台,非常适合接待朋友和家人;18 平方米的书房,也带阳台,提供安静明亮的空间,适合工作或学习。私人区域:四间宽敞的套房,面积从 14 平方米到 17 平方米不等,均设有私人阳台;所有房间均设有嵌入式衣柜,私人大厅内还有两个额外的衣柜,确保了非凡的收纳空间。设备和舒适度:配备中央供暖、带热回收器的壁炉、中央吸尘、环境音响和电动百叶窗;两个停车位和一个地窖储藏室,提供更多便利;专为此部分提供的私人平台大厅提供完全的隐私和独占性。位置和基础设施:这处房产位于舒适和便利并存的区域。距离 Telheiras 大陆仅几分钟路程,周围环绕着知名学校,如 Externato da Luz、Colegio Militar、Colegio Manuel Bernardes、Escola Secundária Vergílio Ferreira 等。周边环境绿树成荫,是户外休闲的理想场所,靠近公共交通、自行车道和 2ª Circular 和 Eixo Norte/Sul 等主要道路,方便前往城市任何地方。这是您梦想中的家。抓住这个独特的机会,对其进行个性化改造,将其打造成您一直以来梦寐以求的完美家园!.
公寓位于 Telheiras,楼层较高,视野开阔,出售 3 居室公寓。公寓面积 149 平方米,包括一间宽敞的起居室、一间设备齐全的厨房、三间卧室(其中一间带套间)以及一间完整的浴室和一间服务浴室。两间宽敞的阳台完善了这间出色的公寓。公寓位于一栋参考建筑中,配有 2 部电梯,享有开阔的视野,朝向北和南,光线充足,尤其是在起居室和套房区域。在该公寓中,您可以享受:- 带双层玻璃的窗户- 配备高档电器的设备齐全的厨房- 高安全等级的入口门- 优质建筑材料- 2 个停车位公寓描述:- 入口大厅- 客厅- 3 间带衣柜的卧室- 配备燃气灶、烤箱、油烟机、法式门冰箱、热水器、洗碗机、洗衣机和烘干机的设备齐全的厨房- 2 间带淋浴底座的浴室,另有 1 间服务浴室建筑:- 8 层楼高的建筑,2 个正面和 2 部电梯。周边区域:- 步行即可到达大型超市、公共服务、健身房、咖啡馆、餐厅和各种商店。公共交通火车站和地铁站、短途巴士以及通往里斯本主要周边道路的便捷通道如果您想买卖房产,请联系我。我可以提供帮助。此房产已独家代理。我们与所有房地产网络共享 50/50 的份额。.
带有一个 14 平方米朝西南的大露台,这套两居室公寓是寻求舒适和隐私人士的绝佳选择,地处优越的地理位置 - 位于“Continente 环岛”中心,靠近 Largo da Luz 区。公寓保存完好,维护得非常好。朝向东南,因此可以获得充足的自然光。公寓非常“干净”,饰面优质且品味高雅。布局“经典”,设有入口大厅、走廊和独立厨房。客厅面积近 25 平方米,通向宜人的私人露台。卧室宽敞明亮,配有一个嵌入式大衣柜。在卧室的对面,走廊通向一个小大厅,那里还有一个嵌入式大衣柜。厨房实用、功能齐全且储物空间充足。厨房留有部分设备。浴室配有浴缸。公寓位于 Telheiras 的黄金地段,周围有大型超市、商店、餐厅、咖啡馆、糕点店、药店、诊所和兽医医院、学校、企业园区等,交通便利,既可通过附近的 Avenida das Nações Unidas 前往 Eixo Norte-Sul 和 2ª Circular,也可通过 Rua Padre Américo 或 Largo da Luz 前往 Benfica/Carnide。公寓包括 1 个储藏室和 1 个车库位。.
独家 T5 带 4 间宽敞套房 + 书房 - 特尔海拉斯 - 开阔视野我们展示了这套宏伟的 T5 公寓,其居住面积超过 200 平方米,位于查特斯·德阿尔梅达的城市想象雕塑前,是特尔海拉斯最具特权的地区之一。由于其朝向东方、南方和西方的三个正面,阳光充足,该房产在白天提供独特的自然光线。公寓周围的阳台总面积超过 15 平方米,非常适合欣赏该房产提供的一览无余的景色。对于重视空间、舒适和潜力的买家来说,这套公寓是理想的选择。通过简单的现代化改造,您可以将其改造成独一无二的公寓!空间分布和特点:社交区:宽敞的门厅,带社交卫生间;15 平方米的大厨房,配备洗衣房和储藏室,非常适合喜欢实用性和组织性的人;令人印象深刻的 52 平方米客厅,可直接通往其中一个阳台,非常适合接待朋友和家人;18 平方米的书房,也带阳台,提供安静明亮的空间,供您工作或学习。私人区域:四间宽敞的套房,面积在 14 平方米到 17 平方米之间,均设有私人阳台;所有房间均设有嵌入式衣柜,私人大厅内还有两个额外的衣柜,确保了出色的收纳空间。设备和舒适度:配备中央供暖、带热回收器的壁炉、中央吸尘、环境音响和电动百叶窗;两个停车位和一个地窖储藏室,提供更多便利;专为此部分提供的私人楼层大厅提供完全的隐私和独占性。位置和基础设施:这处房产位于舒适和便利并存的区域。距离 Telheiras 大陆仅几分钟路程,周围环绕着著名的学校,如 Externato da Luz、Colegio Militar、Colegio Manuel Bernardes、Escola Secundária Vergílio Ferreira 等。周边环境绿树成荫,是户外休闲的理想场所,靠近公共交通、自行车道和主要道路。.
独特的特殊公寓4 间卧室的 5 居室,办公室和阳台光线充足,面积宽敞我很荣幸地向您介绍特尔海拉斯最好的公寓之一,这是一套宏伟的 5 居室公寓,面积宽敞,光线充足,受益于三个朝向,分别是东方、南方和西方。受益于通往公寓的私人大厅。客厅、办公室和卧室的阳台延伸了内部空间,非常适合享受户外空间。如果您正在寻找一套舒适且面积宽敞的城市公寓,那么这里就是您的完美住所!社交区域与私人区域完美分离。社交区域:入口大厅面积超过 50 平方米的带壁炉的客厅,可直接通往一个漂亮的阳台带阳台的办公室公共卫生间设备齐全的厨房洗衣区和储藏室卧室的私人区域:四间套房,其中两间带私人阳台。所有套房均设有嵌入式衣柜通往套房的走廊中有两个额外的衣柜公寓配备了中央供暖、带热能回收器的壁炉、中央吸尘器、环境音响和电动百叶窗。车库中有两个停车位和一个地窖储藏室。这处房产的位置优越,靠近许多商店和学校,包括私立学校和公立学校。靠近绿地和公共交通。可轻松快速地到达城市任何地方,以及通往该国北部或南部的公路出口,这是特尔海拉斯的优势。我相信这是任何家庭的梦想公寓。快来确认这里是否适合您。.
特尔海拉斯的四居室公寓探索这间宽敞的公寓,位于一栋带两部电梯的建筑的四楼,保存完好,该房产以宽敞的区域为特色,包括一个 60 多平方米的客厅、3 个卫生间、2 个阳台、可停放 2 辆汽车和 1 辆摩托车的车库,在 3 个朝阳的正面享有极佳的视野,交通便利。这间公寓非常适合家庭居住,位于一个安静宜人的中心地带,拥有良好的公立和私立学校、幼儿园、各种当地商店、餐饮场所、100 米外的健身房、公共交通工具,位于一个带游乐场的休闲区。.
Quinta dos Inglesinhos, Telheiras, 里斯本两居室公寓,面积 140 平方米——三面采光客厅:33 平方米套房:20.2 平方米卧室:22.60 平方米厨房:12 平方米储藏室:10 平方米经过翻新的两居室,采光充足,位于里斯本市的黄金地段,靠近绿地、商业和服务、医疗保健、学校和公共交通。可轻松到达多条通道。这套房产三面采光,所有房间(包括浴室和壁橱)均设有窗户,因此采光极佳。从隔热角度来看,公寓配备了带双层玻璃的 PVC 窗户,以及中央供暖和空调。客厅的壁炉配有热能回收器,不仅营造了温馨的氛围,还能快速加热房屋。尽管位于完全巩固、优越且安静的区域,但防盗门仍可确保安全。停车场位于 -1 层,可轻松到达,储藏室也位于 -1 层,面积 10 平方米,就在电梯入口的对面。该公寓不接受房地产中介的居间服务。.
3 Bedroom Apartment for Sale in Telheiras / Carnide, LisbonThis elegant 3 bedroom flat, located on Rua Conselheiro José Silvestre Ribeiro, in Carnide, Lisbon, offers a modern design and a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for those looking for quality of life in a quiet area, but with all conveniences close by. With a smart floor plan and high-quality finishes, this property is ideal for families or professionals who want to live in style and functionality.Property Description:The flat has three bedrooms, with the highlight being a suite, which includes a private bathroom with modern and elegant finishes. The other two bedrooms are bright, perfect for both guest bedrooms and offices. There is a second full bathroom, with high quality crockery and materials, serving the remaining bedrooms and common areas.The American-style kitchen is integrated into the living room, creating an open and fluid space, perfect for moments of conviviality and leisure. The kitchen is fully equipped with Smeg appliances, which combine modern design with functionality, providing an excellent culinary experience. The living room is large and bathed in natural light, ideal for creating an environment of comfort and relaxation.The flat is equipped with air conditioning in all rooms, ensuring maximum thermal comfort throughout the year. Additionally, the property includes two parking spaces in a private garage and a spacious storage room, ideal for extra storage.Key features:-3 bedroom flat with a suite-American style kitchen, equipped with Smeg appliances-Air conditioning in all rooms-Two parking spaces-Collection-Excellent natural lightingLocation:Located in Carnide, a traditional and residential neighbourhood of Lisbon, the flat is located in a quiet and familiar street, Rua Conselheiro José Silvestre Ribeiro. This area of Lisbon is known for its tranquillity, but also for its proximity to various services, schools, universities and shopping centres, ensuring a practical and comfortable life.The Carnide metro station is just a few minutes' walk away, providing an excellent connection to the centre of Lisbon and other areas of the city. In addition, there are several bus lines that make it easy to get around the city. For those who have a car, the proximity to the Segunda Circular and.
3 Bedroom Apartment for Sale at Rua Conselheiro José Silvestre Ribeiro, Carnide, LisbonThis elegant 3 bedroom flat, located on Rua Conselheiro José Silvestre Ribeiro, in Carnide, Lisbon, offers a modern design and a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for those looking for quality of life in a quiet area, but with all conveniences close by. With a smart floor plan and high-quality finishes, this property is ideal for families or professionals who want to live in style and functionality.Property Description:The flat has three bedrooms, with the highlight being a suite, which includes a private bathroom with modern and elegant finishes. The other two bedrooms are bright, perfect for both guest bedrooms and offices. There is a second full bathroom, with high quality crockery and materials, serving the remaining bedrooms and common areas.The American-style kitchen is integrated into the living room, creating an open and fluid space, perfect for moments of conviviality and leisure. The kitchen is fully equipped with Smeg appliances, which combine modern design with functionality, providing an excellent culinary experience. The living room is large and bathed in natural light, ideal for creating an environment of comfort and relaxation.The flat is equipped with air conditioning in all rooms, ensuring maximum thermal comfort throughout the year. Additionally, the property includes two parking spaces in a private garage and a spacious storage room, ideal for extra storage.Key features:-3 bedroom flat with a suite-American style kitchen, equipped with Smeg appliances-Air conditioning in all rooms-Two parking spaces-Collection-Excellent natural lightingLocation:Located in Carnide, a traditional and residential neighbourhood of Lisbon, the flat is located in a quiet and familiar street, Rua Conselheiro José Silvestre Ribeiro. This area of Lisbon is known for its tranquillity, but also for its proximity to various services, schools, universities and shopping centres, ensuring a practical and comfortable life.The Carnide metro station is just a few minutes' walk away, providing an excellent connection to the centre of Lisbon and other areas of the city. In addition, there are several bus lines that make it easy to get around the city. For those who have a car, the proximity.