1间卧室的公寓,在Infante Residences拥有57.70平方米的私人总面积这是埃斯特雷拉(Estrela)的一项新开发项目,是位于Av的一栋建筑物的修复项目的结果神圣的因凡特由 45 套 T1T2T2+1 和 T3 类型的公寓和 2 家商店组成,配有饰面涂料优质材料,可通往带游泳池的 Roftop,可欣赏塔霍河和 25 de Abril 桥的景色它的位置被几个公共交通点服务商业和餐馆所包围,增加了计划于 2025 年建成的未来 Infante Santos 地铁站,这一年恰逢 Infante Residences 项目的完成材料饰面设备大厅客厅厨房卧室:地板 - 橡木多层;踢脚线 - 哑光白漆中密度纤维板;墙壁 - 白色的石膏或喷涂灰泥/层压石膏;天花板 - 白色的石膏或喷涂灰泥/层压石膏厨房:漆面厨柜,单把手混合水龙头,内置设备,SMEG 品牌或同等品牌,包括组合(冰箱 + 冰柜)内置洗碗机炉灶内置抽油烟机可移动玻璃微波炉或可移动玻璃烤箱+微波炉洗衣机和烘干机卫生设施:地板 - 哑光白色陶瓷马赛克;踢脚线 - 哑光白漆中密度纤维板;墙壁 - 哑光白色陶瓷马赛克;白色解说底杆,带清漆饰面屋顶;哑光水性涂料,带有乙烯基基底,抗真菌,哑光白色,在灰泥或防水层压石膏板上 卫生设施和厕所设备:壁挂式马桶和坐浴盆;台面洗脸盆;台面配有雕刻合成树脂洗脸盆或壁挂式洗脸盆 镀铬混合水龙头;内置水箱;镜子其他元素:用于加热/冷却的空调系统;Efapel电气开关设备或同段电气开关设备;毛巾架的预安装;可视对讲;防盗门;双层玻璃框架 能源率: A ref: APTPP113.1.
3 bedroom flat with 116 m2 of gross private area and parking, in the Infante Residences development, in Lisbon.Located in Estrela, one of the most cosmopolitan neighbourhoods in Lisbon's historic centre, it has 45 apartments, with stunning views over the 25 Abril Bridge and the Tagus River. The apartments of typologies T1, T2, T2+1 and T3, have high quality finishes, coatings and materials that are combined with the distinct harmonious and functional design of the spaces. All apartments have air conditioning, equipped kitchens and bathrooms, and double-glazed windows.It also has an elegant rooftop with swimming pool and leisure area, perfect for enjoying panoramic views over the capital and the Tagus River.This is the result of a rigorous rehabilitation project of an emblematic building in the historic centre of Lisbon, which combines its breathtaking views with the harmonious and functional design of its apartments.Just a few minutes' walk from the city's riverside area and several green areas, it allows for a walking lifestyle, boosted by the capital's extensive transport network.A neighbourhood rich in services, commerce, restaurants and culture.