全新的 3 居室公寓,拥有豪华的装饰,位于阿尔热斯的一栋顶部设有游泳池和健身房的建筑中位于米拉弗洛雷斯花园/城市公园前的公寓中,地理位置优越,位于米拉弗洛雷斯的新建筑中,在那里您可以找到各种商业服务超市健身房,靠近 A5IC19 或 Avenida Marginal 等主要道路通道该公寓已准备好动用,所有房间都拥有绝佳的区域豪华的饰面卧室和套房的大衣柜可欣赏阿尔热斯壮丽景色的阳台由以下部分组成:1 间套房2 间卧室厕所带阳台的客厅厨房2 停车位1 储藏室豪华装饰,设备齐全的厨房,空调快来看看吧欲了解更多信息,请联系我们的商店或发送联系请求 能源率: A+ ref: L0411/24.
阿尔维卡的四居室公寓(ALV224)Choupal II 别墅位于里巴特茹河畔的阿尔维卡,是一个带游泳池的共管公寓开发项目。这套梦幻般的四居室公寓包括:设备齐全的厨房,配备:- 洗衣机和烘干机- 洗碗机- 微波炉- 电磁炉- 内嵌烤箱- 冰箱- 阳台带以下设施的客厅/餐厅:- 阳台两间套房- 其中一间套房带步入式衣橱,另一间带衣柜两间套房均配备:- 阳台- 步入式淋浴间两间卧室,配备:- 衣柜- 阳台1 间带步入式淋浴间的卫生间1 间客用卫生间该房产还提供:- 用于加热卫生用水的热泵- 空调- 露台- 花园- 阳台- 游泳池- 带自动门的车库该开发项目提供多种户型的公寓,包括一居室、两居室、三居室和四居室,所有公寓均拥有宽敞的空间、充足的自然光线和私人露台。不要错过居住在豪华公寓社区的机会,立即预约参观!.
里斯本/圣安东尼奥难得的机会!公寓位于一栋建于 2009 年的建筑中,位于里斯本,位置非常好距离彭巴侯爵仅 150 米物业准备入住,改造成 2 个 T1,每个面积约 35 平方米非常适合投资甚至自有住房您需要抵押贷款吗?找到住房贷款的最佳条件并不容易这是一份终生的合同它应该由专家陪同,他们可以帮助您以支持的方式做出决策我们寻找为您的案件提供最佳条件的银行我们可以使用主要国内和国际银行的特权渠道我们协商了最好的条件免费服务我们 SUM FINANCE抵押贷款专家现在打电话!联系我们: () 能源率: B ref: W6319.
Having undergone a complete renovation in 2020, this apartment is located on the second floor of a recently renovated building. With 76 sqm of private gross area and plenty of natural light, the property consists of an open-plan living room, three bedrooms (one of which with no windows), and a bathroom. Featuring floating floors and minimalist finishes, the apartment is ready to move in.This apartment is situated in a typical Lisbon neighborhood, just 5 minutes from Fonte Luminosa, with a wide range of schools and public transport options nearby.Penha de França was once an area of farms and vegetable gardens where many people from Lisbon went for a walk, and where imposing and majestic manor houses were built to live in noble families. Today it is a neighborhood located on top of one of Lisbon's hills, at 110 meters of altitude. This allows it to be one of the great viewpoints in the city. Here, you live a peaceful life, in a very well located area, with good social facilities, a good network of public transport, schools and supermarkets. This neighborhood is known for its sustainable evolution and with a lot of tradition (as is the example of the well-known popular marches that bring residents together around a goal every year). 能源率: E ref: W-02XO1J.