T3 公寓,位于丰特卢米诺萨附近的复式公寓,里斯本阿方索·恩里克斯大道。如果您正在寻找一个可以居住的房子或一项可以出租给学生的投资,那么这个机会非常适合您。这套复式公寓面积为 120 平方米,分布在两层。在零层,您会发现一个面积宽敞的客厅,光线充足,可直通厨房。它还有一个完整的浴室。在楼上,有 3 间面积宽敞的卧室和一个 9 平方米的阳台(目前已关闭,可为购买此房子的买家提供更多分区)和俯瞰整个里斯本的开阔视野。朝向:东-诗人。距离阿方索·恩里克斯大道仅几步之遥,交通便利,拥有众多的商店、餐馆和服务设施。靠近绿地,是放松身心和享受户外时光的理想场所。公寓费用:37.80 欧元/月。没有电梯的建筑。不要错过在这个里斯本最令人向往的地区之一购买房产的绝佳机会!预约参观!.
T2 | 葡萄牙佩尼亚 | 翻新工程接近尾声。位于佩尼亚安静区域的一套两居室公寓,设有开放式客厅和厨房,一个阳台和一个浴室,位于一栋没有电梯的建筑物的二楼。配备烤箱、储热式热水器、炉灶和排气扇的设备齐全的厨房。卧室配有定制衣柜。其余家具不包括在内。建筑物状况良好,邻里友善。安静的区域,位于市中心,商业、服务和交通便利。来看看您的新家吧!立即预约您的参观。房地产中介:如果您有客户对该房产感兴趣,请联系我们!.
This 2-bedroom apartment is near the Alameda Metro station. It has been fully refurbished and is situated within a building that underwent a complete renovation by December 2024.The layout includes:- Living room and open kitchen (the kitchen equipment will be installed soon)- 2 bedrooms- 1 full bathroom- Large garden space and terrace, in total around 50sqmIdeal for living or renting, this apartment offers an excellent blend of comfort and investment potential.It is ideally located within walking distance to Mercado de Arroios, Instituto Superior Técnico, and public transportation, including Alameda Metro, Arroios Metro, and bus stations. The area is surrounded by supermarkets, local shops, schools, restaurants, and coffee shops.Hooli Home Portugal is a real estate agency that is part of a global real estate investment group. With 17 branches worldwide, we specialize in buying, selling, and renting properties in some of the most desirable locations around the globe. In Portugal, we have a dedicated team based in Lisbon that can help you find your dream home or investment property.