Two bedroom apartment renovated with high quality finishes, modern and comfortable design, with a 15m2 suite, a 9m2 bedroom and two bathrooms, an equipped kitchen and a 22m2 open-space living room, with plenty of natural light and panoramic views. The apartment also has a 2m2 balcony and a pantry for greater storage.The building has four floors, consists of eight T2 apartments, has been completely rehabilitated and includes an anti-seismic structure and new infrastructure. The building does not have an elevator but has large common areas.The Alto de São João area is experiencing widespread growth due to its characteristic tranquility, proximity to the city center and also due to the dynamism of the Beato Creative Hub, which is located just a few minutes away. In addition to local commerce and basic services, there is also public transport available, all within walking distance.It is ideal for investment and medium or long-term rental.For more information about this property or other exclusive opportunities, please don't hesitate to get in touch for an initial meeting. We are a real estate boutique dedicated to serving international clients with excellent service and in-depth market knowledge. Our commitment is to represent buyers and present the best properties available on the market.
精装修的梦幻般的两居室公寓(带 3 个分区),随时可入住,带庭院和附属建筑,地理位置优越,靠近里斯本佩尼亚德弗兰萨市中心的交通枢纽。这套面积为 66.2 平方米的公寓经过了彻底的翻新(包括对管道和所有电气部件的全面更换),这不仅优化了房产的使用面积,还确保了使用现代材料对该房产进行了现代化改造。因此,它非常适合那些在不断升值的房地产区域中追求国际化和实用生活方式的人,该区域拥有广泛的商业、服务和交通设施,位于佩尼亚德弗兰萨。进入房产后是一个长长的门厅,它以流畅的方式构建了房产,并允许在各个分区和空间之间进行实用的导航。客厅受益于极佳的自然采光,因为它拥有一个占据整个分区宽度的落地玻璃窗,可以通往阳光明媚的庭院,并可通往地窖中的附属建筑。考虑到其尺寸、布局以及与厨房直接相连的特殊性,客厅可以构建成两个不同的区域,一个用于用餐,另一个用于社交和休闲,因此它是一个多功能且流畅的空间。这处房产在地窖中有一个宽敞且经过精心打理的后院,创造了一个私密而独特的环境,并配备了一个附属建筑,非常适合构建一个带储藏空间的休闲区。厨房设备齐全,配有一个实木台面,与覆盖空间的热熔胶合板橱柜相得益彰,并具有很大的存储空间。设备清单包括:电磁炉、烤箱、油烟机、冰箱和洗碗机。这套公寓的套房和卧室是真正的宁静避难所,拥有结构合理的区域,旨在提供最大的舒适度和隐私。房产内有两个浴室,一个在套房内,均配备带储物空间的洗手盆、淋浴间和卫生间,充分确保了对卧室区域和社交区域的双重支持功能。除了已经指出的所有品质外,还必须强调未来买家将享受的以下舒适属性:- 空调- 电动百叶窗- 3 个嵌入式衣柜- 洗衣房- 带嵌入式照明的假天花板这套公寓位于里斯本市需求量很大的区域,无论自住还是以后出租或作为长期租赁或当地住宿,都是一项安全的投资,不仅交通便利(如圣阿波罗尼亚地铁站和火车站,距离 1900 米),而且靠近市中心的主要交通枢纽,特别是 Mouzinho de Albuquerque 大道和 Infante D. Henrique 大道以及 Paiva Couceiro 广场和 Morais Soares 街。在周边区域,可以找到商业配送中心(Lidl、Continente、Minipreço 和各种当地超市)、Sapadores 市场、传统商业和各种休闲和餐饮场所,以及公共服务、银行、药店、学校(如 Agrupamento de Escolas Patrício Prazeres 或 EB Arquitecto Victor Palla)和绿地和文化场所(如国家瓷砖博物馆)。不要忘记靠近圣母山和蒙特阿古多标志性观景点、格拉萨区以及光辉而令人向往的里斯本市所能提供的一切。.