2-bedroom apartment with 100 sqm of gross private area with balcony, in good condition, located in a fully rehabilitated building in São Bento, Lisbon. The apartment consists of a living room, fully equipped kitchen with high-quality appliances, two bedrooms, one of which is en-suite, and a guest bathroom. Modern apartment with efficient layout and premium finishes.Located on Rua de São Bento, one of the most prestigious and historic streets in Lisbon, between Rato, Estrela, and Príncipe Real, in an area undergoing extensive redevelopment with a wide range of commerce, services, and transport. 5 minutes walking distance from Rato metro station and 9 minutes from Estrela Garden and Basilica. 6 minutes driving distance from Santa Marta Hospital, 8 minutes from Amoreiras Shopping Center, 10 minutes from Eduardo VII Park, and 20 minutes from Humberto Delgado Airport Lisbon. 能源率: E ref: 83656.
这套位于里斯本著名圣本托街(Rua de São Bento)的T2+1待翻新公寓,地处圣本托中心地带,坐落于一栋极具历史特色且潜力无限的建筑内,介于拉托(Rato)和共和国议会(Assembleia da República)之间。公寓光线充足,视野开阔,并保留了原始特色,例如镶木地板,别具魅力。如果您正在寻找一个可按自己喜好定制的空间,那么这是一个绝佳的机会。公寓包含客厅、餐厅、厨房、2+1间卧室、浴室和储藏室。公寓的公共区域经过精心修复,为建筑及其公共区域带来了舒适和现代感。圣本托街是一个充满活力、融合传统与现代的区域,拥有各种商店、基本服务和多元化的社区。曾经以古董店闻名,如今已成为一个国际化街区,拥有餐厅、咖啡馆、时尚商店和独特的氛围。这里应有尽有,从药店、糕点店和理发店到餐厅和精品店,此外交通便利,有多条公交线路,距离拉托地铁站仅五分钟路程。该区域还拥有国内外学校、文化场所、健身房、游泳池和一个近在咫尺的停车场。体验在里斯本生活的魅力。沉浸在充满活力的街区氛围中,周围环绕着时尚商店和历史悠久的豪宅。在附近的屋顶酒吧享受夜晚,欣赏里斯本天际线的迷人景色。如果您想住在里斯本最具标志性的区域之一,并翻新一套符合您喜好的公寓,请不要错过这个机会。立即联系我们的YourHome Realty/KW Select团队预约参观,了解这套房产如何改变您的日常生活。.