布塞拉斯 (Bucelas) 乡村农场,占地 4500 平方米乡村农场,占地约4500平方米,其中覆盖面积150平方米,处于乡村环境中,是“城市门口的乡村生活”的完美地点。”它距离里斯本 20 公里,可方便前往 A8 和 CREL 高速公路,位于布塞拉斯划界区,是居住或建设生活项目的绝佳场所。整个室外空间的设计和谐、光线充足、功能齐全,水源充足,一条溪流贯穿整个建筑内部,此外还有集水井和果树。布塞拉斯的这个农场与自然有着独特的关系:宁静,全天阳光充足,因为它朝南,非常靠近里斯本市的入口。
住宅,建筑面积 550 平方米,占地面积 15,600 平方米,采用现代建筑风格,庄园完全封闭(包括三个用网围起来的区域,里面生活着各种各样的农场动物),拥有多个花园、一个带储藏室、浴室和烧烤炉的附属建筑,位于布塞拉斯。______采用优质建筑材料,外墙全部采用 6 厘米厚的卡波特隔热材料,窗户采用带双层玻璃(20 毫米)的纳瓦拉铝合金隔热断桥,太阳能电池板用于加热水(300 升),光伏电池板用于发电,内部采用岩棉隔热,石膏板墙体带有气腔。________设有门厅和带壁炉的公共休息室,厨房设备齐全,配有嵌入式电器,75 平方米的阳台可通往一个外部附属建筑,其中包括储藏室、浴室和带烧烤架的户外厨房。地下室设有带书房的起居室、洗衣房和健身房。面积宽敞,采光充足。户外花园完全私密,种有各种果树,有水井(用于户外浇灌),并已安装好游泳池设施。___________现代与折衷主义相结合的建筑风格,将精选材料的传统和优雅与大胆而现代的设计融为一体,打造出舒适的开放式空间,光线充足,与外部自然环境融为一体。后者正是这个项目的主题,它以有力的方式反映了住宅周围的自然环境。主要由本土植被组成,赋予了该房产独特而独一无二的特色。______________如果您想住在迷你森林中,远离一切,同时又靠近各种服务,那么请来了解一下您可以在生活中创造的天堂。_________________* 附近有学校、服务、交通和公路。* 可以欣赏到壮丽的山景、森林和乡村景观。* 距离埃里塞拉或卡斯凯斯海滩 25 分钟路程。* 距离里斯本和国际机场 15 分钟路程。我们与所有房地产经纪人/专业人士以 50%/50% 的比例分享。快来爱上这处房产的景观、光线和优越的地理位置!接受加密资产支付,尤其是:比特币 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH) 或 Polygon (MATIC)。立即参观这处房产,让您的梦想成真!.
Spectacular farmhouse with a land area of 30,825 m2, with a rectangular configuration of 470 m long, by approximately 65 m wide and extending over two slopes.In one of them, the 4 main buildings were built, with a total floor area of 892.75 m2 and of which 87.20 m2 are intended for agricultural support.It has 1 furnished bedroom, 1 fully equipped kitchen that also has a wood oven and barbecue, which supports an adjoining space for meals and socialising next to the vegetable garden.The remaining 805.55 m2 of useful space are intended for housing and accommodation tourism, consisting of:. 4 T0 apartments, furnished and equipped, with bathroom; . 1 1 bedroom flat, furnished and equipped with bathroom; . 1 2 bedroom flat, furnished and equipped, with 100 m2, with 2 bathrooms, and with 1 attic of equal area, 1 lounge, with large fireplace, furnished and equipped, in open space with 150m2 with 2 bathrooms; . 2 3 bedroom apartments, also furnished and equipped, with 2 bathrooms each. We are therefore facing 9 furnished, equipped and legalised houses completely ready for income and/or own housing.All these 4 buildings, as well as the 175 m2 of mosaic terrace, the 540 m2 of granite cube pavement, the 3,500 m2 of bituminous pavement that includes covered parking for 8 motor vehicles, and 1 football field with 300 m2 in dirt, are also located on the north slope, therefore, facing south to a mountain range that remains untouched, that is, preserved from any type of construction.Being part of a mountain range, with various types of vegetation, woods and forest - which characterise this western area. The piped spring water from the mountains arrives by gravity, thus feeding the organic garden with the various types of fruit trees. The farm will also soon be supplied by water from the public network.This farm, which is located 17 Kms. from Lisbon, and 1 Km. from the village of Bucelas, was given the name of Quinta da Picota, due to the fact that, at the time, there was already a centenary monumental well, handmade, stone on stone, to draw water from the picota.Bucelas is a parish that continues to maintain rural characteristics and has strong traditions in the winemaking activity for the excellent white wines it produces. It has been a demarcated region since 1911. Here you wil.
整栋建筑有两套带独立门户的公寓,每套公寓有 3 间卧室。位于风景如画的 Fanhões 村的 2 层建筑,距离里斯本 25 公里,距离 Loures 10 公里,随着 2025 年地铁到达 Loures 和 Fanhões 工业园的建设(距离 2 公里),该建筑的价值可能会提升。该地区适合出租,有开往 Loures 的巴士。非常适合酒店业,或按公寓或按房间出租。还可以将每套公寓分成 2 套。每层楼都有独立的入口。其中一层楼目前有一位租户,他将于 2024 年 10 月搬走。必要的工程不是结构性的,屋顶和结构状况良好,墙壁也是如此,需要更新,包括外墙油漆、窗户、室内油漆、管道和电气。一楼:餐厅 + 3 间卧室 + 小厅 + 走廊 + 厨房 + 浴室 + 阳台一楼:入口大厅 + 餐厅 + 2 间卧室 + 走廊 + 厨房 + 浴室 + 露台(5 平方米)。还可以转换为 Fanhões 的当地住宿。对于选择一套公寓作为额外收入来源的夫妇、希望合法地按房间出租的投资者(这是整栋建筑)或希望在内部合并两套公寓的人来说,这很有吸引力。.