:'Quinta da Charca' is located near S. Miguel D'Acha, about 15 minutes from the city of Castelo Branco, in Beira Baixa. The property has access via a paved road, covering an approximate area of 15,000 m². It includes a rural house with a total area of 90 m², spread over two floors, which requires renovation, interior reconfiguration, and restoration. The land is morphologically flat, featuring various fruit trees, olive trees, and clear land suitable for the cultivation of trees and horticultural products, which were also irrigated by an existing water well on the property. Electricity is available near the house, and access is via a paved road.The estate also has a pond with water for irrigation. It is relatively close to the village, and the land is of good quality. According to information provided by the owner, obtained from the Technical Office of the Municipality of Castelo Branco, it is possible to expand the existing house and provide it with suitable living conditions.It is also about 10 minutes from the A23 exit and 2 hours from Lisbon. (Ref. No. FG13).
古老的住宅,需要翻新,包括 2 层:一楼:厨房、1 个卫生间、1 个宽敞的储藏室;二楼:客厅、厨房、卧室。住宅位于安静宜人的地方,享有良好的日照。根据第 101-D/2020 号法令第 18 条第 2 款 a) 项,该住宅属于面积小于或等于 50 平方米的独户住宅,因此无需进行能效认证。.
占地面积 4200 平方米的美丽农场,位于宁静而风景如画的乡村环境中,其中建有一座面积为 94 平米的乡村建筑,完全用花岗岩建造,空间宽敞,层高较高,可以修复/实施二楼。屋顶状况良好,确保建筑的安全和舒适。整个房产都用花岗岩砌成的围墙围起来,提供无与伦比的私密性和质朴的魅力,在当今时代独一无二。这里有各种各样的果树,如无花果树、橙树、柠檬树、苹果树、梨树、葡萄树等。该农场有一口用石头衬砌的深井,有一个深水源,水量充足,还有一个完全用花岗岩建造的水箱。那里安装了一个古老的、传统的、独一无二的诺拉。低洼地带的土地肥沃,非常适合耕种,与小溪相邻,几米外即可连接电力,交通便利,日出和向南的阳光充足。立即预约参观,来了解这个奇妙的农场!.