This villa located in Santa Eufémia is isolated with modern lines, built in 2019 with very little use, has excellent sun exposure and outdoor space where you can apply synthetic turf and place a swimming pool at the back of the villa creating a leisure space for you and your family.The villa was built with quality finishes and good tasteIt is divided as follows:Exterior:- Access to the garage- Access to the back of the house where there is a shed with barbecue.Basement:- Garage for 2 cars- Storage space.Ground Floor:- Large living room with two environments (living room and dining room) facing west.- Service bathroom with suspended crockery and shower tray.- Kitchen with dining area and semi-laminated and semi-equipped kitchen- Access door from the kitchen to the rear.- Access hall to the upper floor.Ground Floor- Bathroom to support the bedrooms with hanging crockery and bathtub- East facing bedroom with built-in wardrobe- Suite with built-in wardrobe with access to a large terrace.- Bedroom with built-in wardrobeEquipment:- Gates with automation- Bioethanol fireplace in the living room- Air conditioning in the living room and in all bedrooms- Solar panels- Pre installation of central heating- Kitchen equipped with Oven, Hob, Extractor FanSafti is a French network in strong expansion in Portugal with more than 6,000 consultants throughout Europe.Safti's values, honesty, ethics and our policy of monitoring and advice, guarantee us a high degree of satisfaction from our customers.If you are looking for a property to buy or sell, count on the satisfaction guarantee of our professionals.SAFTIOf course!
T4 住宅 / 独立式 / 地下室 / 車庫 / 游泳池 / 花园 / 烧烤架 / 美景 / 莱里亚欢迎来到您梦想中的住宅,这是一处非凡的房产,融合了优雅、实用性和优越的地理位置。这栋住宅占地面积约 4000 平方米,提供无与伦比的生活方式。探索让这栋住宅真正独一无二的特色:- 宽敞的空间:每个房间的面积都很宽敞,这栋住宅提供了房产中罕见的宽敞空间,带来舒适和自由。- 自然采光:大窗户确保了住宅每个角落都能获得自然光,营造出温馨而充满活力的氛围。- 高品质细节:从铺有软木塞的入口大厅到 Tecnal 品牌的优质铝制门窗,每个细节都经过精心挑选,以提供最高品质的标准。- 厨师厨房:配备安哥拉黑花岗岩台面、知名品牌的嵌入式电器、厨余垃圾处理器以及其他让厨房成为实用而优雅空间的细节。- 温馨壁炉:享受厨房和客厅壁炉带来的舒适感,在凉爽的夜晚提供温暖和魅力。- 娱乐区:户外凉亭和烧烤架提供了宽敞而多功能的空间,非常适合聚餐、家庭聚会和派对。- 私人套房:主套房不仅拥有带内置保险箱的步入式衣橱,还配备了带遥控器的先进照明系统。- 无数舒适细节:从整个住宅的中央供暖到不锈钢和木质扶手,从花岗岩楼梯到浮动地板,每个元素都经过精心设计,以提供最大的舒适度。- 全景视野:顶层可欣赏到壮丽的日落美景,使其成为可作为书房、图书馆、健身房甚至额外套房的多功能空间。- 宽敞车库:住宅顶层设有与房产长度相同的车库,非常适合停放多达 8 辆汽车,并有足够的空间存放物品。- 优越的地理位置:附近提供主要服务,包括商业、超市、餐饮、外卖、糕点店、药店和公共交通。距离莱里亚市中心仅 5 分钟路程,可轻松前往 A1 和 A8 高速公路,20 分钟即可到达海滩,20 分钟即可到达法蒂玛圣殿,这栋住宅将便利性和宁静融为一体。CASAS GO 是一家新品牌,拥有超过 17 年的莱里亚市房地产市场经验。CASAS GO 不仅是一家房地产经纪公司,还是一家经葡萄牙银行认证的住房信贷中介公司。备注:1. 如果您是房地产顾问,此房产可供您分享业务。您可以向您的客户买家介绍并安排他们参观。2. 为了更轻松、更快捷地识别此房产,请参考相应的 ID.