Villa with Pool and Sea View in Praia do Salgado - 拿撒勒在美丽的拿撒勒 Praia do Salgado 获得一座地理位置优越的梦想别墅的独特机会这家别墅占地 1000 平方米,可欣赏大海和拿撒勒的壮丽景色,并设有私人游泳池别墅坐落在一个被大自然环绕的安静区域,提供宁静私密的环境,距离海滩和所有设施仅数分钟路程主要特点: 1000 平方米的土地 现代宽敞的别墅 私人泳池 迷人的海景 可以定制饰面 供暖(地板前)-1 层(技术区): 技术面积:21.30 平方米1 楼: 厨房: 19.45 平方米 入口大厅:5.30 平方米 食品储藏室:1.95 平方米 面积:11.20 平方米 餐厅和休闲室:27.20 平方米 服务浴室:1.95 平方米 起居室阳台(海景):12.90 平方米2 楼: 面积:4.50 平方米 套房:12.40 平方米o 带淋浴的私人浴室:4.80 平方米 卧室:14.50 平方米 卧室:9.45 平方米 带浴缸的浴室:6.30 平方米 阳台(海景):12.90 平方米房子以当前状态交付,有可能通过协商额外价格以'交钥匙'方式完成对于那些希望根据自己的喜好创建房屋并充分利用这个田园诗般的环境的人来说,这是一个绝佳的机会不要错过这个机会!联系我们以获取更多信息并安排参观.
Discover an extraordinary house, fully oriented towards the sea, featuring top-of-the-range finishes in a modern development situated in a prime location. The open-plan layout boasts a stylish kitchen and living room, spacious bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, including a lavish en-suite. This exceptional property is equipped with air conditioning, solar panels, a central vacuum system, a fully equipped kitchen, and an inviting outdoor pool. Private covered parking is also included.Located near the picturesque village of Nazaré, surrounded by magnificent beaches, this property is an outstanding investment opportunity, whether for holidays or as a permanent residence. Don't miss the chance to own this perfect seaside retreat!
Experience unparalleled luxury with this stunning seafront house, featuring top-of-the-line finishes in a modern development and a prime location. The spacious open-plan layout includes a stylish kitchen and living area, generously sized bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, one of which boasts an en-suite. This exquisite property comes equipped with air conditioning, solar panels, a central vacuum system, a fully equipped kitchen, and a beautiful outdoor pool. Additional amenities include a garage and private covered parking, with landscaped exteriors included.Situated near the charming village of Nazaré, surrounded by breathtaking beaches, this property represents an outstanding investment opportunity, whether for holidays or as a permanent residence. An excellent choice in the luxury market!
欢迎来到纳扎雷的 Famalicao,了解您的新家!将于 2024 年 11 月完工的新建住宅在纳扎雷的 Famalicao 发现您新的三居室住宅的舒适和生活品质。这处房产经过精心设计,可为您提供舒适生活所需的一切。它具有:- 门和衣柜:采用漆面,表面精致- 厨房:采用白色热熔胶,既优雅又耐用- 电动百叶窗- 门窗框:采用隔热断裂,以实现更好的隔热效果- 外墙覆层:Capoto,可确保能源效率和耐用性- 空调:已安装 Ariston 品牌,为您提供舒适感- 热泵用于卫生热水:Ariston 品牌,高效且经济- 机械通风控制 (VMC):单向流通,始终保持环境凉爽- 家用电器:包括 Balay 或同等品牌,如玻璃陶瓷炉、油烟机、洗衣机、组合炉、烤箱和微波炉- 热舒适性和声学舒适性:得益于电动百叶窗和隔热断裂的门窗框- 能源效率:采用热泵和 capoto 覆层- 现代感和优雅感:整个房屋采用高品质饰面- 优越的地理位置:位于纳扎雷的 Famalicao,一个安静且交通便利的区域这是一个绝佳的机会,可以购买一套结合了现代感、高效性和优越地理位置的住宅。现在就预约参观,感受一下让这所房子成为您和家人理想选择的所有细节。.