V3 类型的大型住宅,带 3 间套房、车库、露台和花园。住宅由地下室、一楼、二楼和阁楼组成。地理位置优越,位于波尔图市最受欢迎的区域之一的私人安静地带,靠近 Norte 购物中心和高速公路的主要出入口。距离 AIP 环形交叉路口(高速公路出入口)200 米。距离佩德罗伊斯帕诺医院地铁站 600 米。距离 Norte 购物中心 300 米。距离城市公园 1000 米。距离海滩 2000 米。建筑质量极佳,采用一流的装饰材料。通过 ON PORTO 联系您的梦想之家!.
这座独立屋是建筑师西扎·维埃拉(Siza Vieira)设计的,是他最早的作品之一,当时他32岁。这座房子是建筑师西扎于1965年为一位作家设计的,后来又由西扎·维埃拉进行了长达5年的改建和翻新,直至1993年竣工。 入口处是一个小大厅,大厅里矗立着一座美人鱼形状的雕塑。该房间与公共休息室相连,共有四层。木制楼梯可通往上层。攀登结束时,空气变得更加凝重:西扎就在那里……目光低沉,隐藏在莱昂内尔·莫拉(Leonel Moura)根据照片创作的丝网印刷画布上的老式有框眼镜后面。隔壁的同一面墙上,挂着一张挂毯,上面画着西扎的画,这幅是涂鸦,上面杂乱地反复写着“Amarante”这个词。正是在西扎独特的作品环境中,我们发现了三间卧室和一间浴室,几乎是一座房屋博物馆。回到入口层,我们看到了同样由西扎设计的亚麻窗帘,木把手也由西扎设计,它将入口大厅与公共休息室分隔开来,这是一个倒“T”形的巨大空间。走下台阶,在客厅的第一个矩形平台上,您可以看到壁炉镶嵌在墙上,上面覆盖着米色大理石。房间中间的新台阶将我们带到用餐区,那里有一张玻璃顶的木桌、钢结构和一辆茶车。稍高一点的楼层是阅览室和一条宽阔的走廊,走廊连接到另一个用餐区,即与厨房相邻的房间。位于底楼的一间套房被用作办公室。厨房旁边的另一间套房可以用作女仆房,甚至可以用作行动不便的人的房间。 在房子的每个角落,我们都可以找到西扎设计的作品(挂毯、绘画、雕塑、家具、灯具、烟灰缸等),就像在自己的家中拥有这位独特建筑师的私人博物馆一样,他标志着葡萄牙和国际舞台,荣获世界建筑界最负盛名的普利兹克奖。 该房屋出售时家具齐全,所有作品均由西扎·维埃拉设计,但业主的一些作品和个人作品除外,这些作品和个人作品将在参观该房产时突出显示。车库里的汽车也不能成为内容的一部分。 房子的两端还有两个封闭的车库,以及足够的户外空间,可以在户外度过美好的时光。 进一步构图场景,我们发现了更多西扎的雕塑:两张日光躺椅,每张由两块白色大理石制成。 周围的空间在房屋区域很平静,尽管位于马托西纽什的中心区域,但这所房子享有和平的特权,对于那些重视独特的建筑和家具的人来说是理想的选择,这些建筑和家具将房子变成纯粹的艺术。..
两居室公寓,配备车库,舒适实用,应有尽有!我们为您呈现这套令人惊叹的两居室公寓,它融合了舒适、安全和优越的地理位置!公寓靠近北部购物中心,周围环绕着各种各样的商业、交通和服务设施,为您提供便利,让您在市中心享受温馨的家居生活。房产特点:2 间宽敞明亮的卧室2 间设施齐全的浴室,提供更大的便利2 个阳台,可欣赏美景和呼吸新鲜空气中央供暖,让您全年倍感舒适报警器,确保您家人的安全车库和 2 部电梯,方便日常生活带树木和绿地的花园和庭院空间,是户外休闲的理想场所对于那些寻求舒适家居的人来说,这是一处完美的房产,它位于优越的地理位置,并拥有现代生活所需的一切便利设施。不要错过这个千载难逢的机会!立即预约参观,来了解您的下一个家!.
With a strategic location, the 'Green Business Hub' development is located in the economic and financial center of the city of Porto, a few meters from NET - Novas Empresas e Tecnologias, close to Rotunda AEP. With quick access to the city's main roads and proximity to Pedro Hispano Hospital, in Matosinho. It also stands out for its ease of travel to the metro stationPedro Hispano and the Estádio do Mar and Leixões, providing an ideal connection for professionals and companies who want to be close to the city's economic epicenter.This project was created by the renowned architect Pedro Guimarães. Comprised of 50 units, the Green Business Hub offers a variety of services including daily maintenance, garbage collection; weekly cleaning with change of bed linen and towels, supply of electricity, water and internet.The apartments have the option of garage parking, breakfast service and room service. All apartments are supported by a national gourmet restaurant and grocery chain.Green Business Hub's focus is on creating corporate apartments that offer a unique experience, combining the amenities of a hotel with the privacy of a home. This innovative proposal attracts companies and professionals looking for a stay concept adapted to business needs, creating a unique opportunity for investors who want to obtain a stable source of income.With guaranteed profitability: thus ensuring investors a consistent source of income. The complete management of the apartments, including maintenance, is the responsibility of a specialized team, providing owners with peace of mind and complete lack of concern regarding the condition of the property.With a prospect of guaranteed income of 5% up to the first two years and strong growth in subsequent years, the amount invested is expected to double within a period that does not exceed 8 years.The Green Business Hub was designed to meet the needs of the business market, offering ideal functional spaces for displaced employees to reside. Furthermore, it enables investments and partnerships with international companies, presenting new spaces as accommodation solutions for their employees.The apartments have a service license, giving them adaptability to business needs, flexibility of use, meeting the dynamics of the business market.Investor Testimonial: 'As an investor wit.
With a strategic location, the 'Green Business Hub' development is located in the economic and financial center of the city of Porto, a few meters from NET - Novas Empresas e Tecnologias, close to Rotunda AEP. With quick access to the city's main roads and proximity to Pedro Hispano Hospital, in Matosinho. It also stands out for its ease of travel to the metro stationPedro Hispano and the Estádio do Mar and Leixões, providing an ideal connection for professionals and companies who want to be close to the city's economic epicenter.This project was created by the renowned architect Pedro Guimarães. Comprised of 50 units, the Green Business Hub offers a variety of services including daily maintenance, garbage collection; weekly cleaning with change of bed linen and towels, supply of electricity, water and internet.The apartments have the option of garage parking, breakfast service and room service. All apartments are supported by a national gourmet restaurant and grocery chain.Green Business Hub's focus is on creating corporate apartments that offer a unique experience, combining the amenities of a hotel with the privacy of a home. This innovative proposal attracts companies and professionals looking for a stay concept adapted to business needs, creating a unique opportunity for investors who want to obtain a stable source of income.With guaranteed profitability: thus ensuring investors a consistent source of income. The complete management of the apartments, including maintenance, is the responsibility of a specialized team, providing owners with peace of mind and complete lack of concern regarding the condition of the property.With a prospect of guaranteed income of 5% up to the first two years and strong growth in subsequent years, the amount invested is expected to double within a period that does not exceed 8 years.The Green Business Hub was designed to meet the needs of the business market, offering ideal functional spaces for displaced employees to reside. Furthermore, it enables investments and partnerships with international companies, presenting new spaces as accommodation solutions for their employees.The apartments have a service license, giving them adaptability to business needs, flexibility of use, meeting the dynamics of the business market.Investor Testimonial: 'As an investor wit.
拉马尔德带露台的 T3 住宅 - 波尔图2022 年经过翻新的住宅,靠近城市交通网络的所有主要通道,以及最重要的商业和服务点。靠近 Norte 购物中心、学校和学院。住宅有两面,朝向东方和西方,面积 138 平方米,分布如下- 开放式起居室和设备齐全的厨房;- 洗衣房;- 服务卫生间;- 2 间卧室;- 完整的卫生间;- 1 间套房及其卫生间;- 3 个私人花园/露台;- 1 个车库位。值得注意的细节:- 安装电动汽车充电系统;- 衣柜采用 LED 照明;- 屋顶太阳能热水系统和蓄水箱确保热水供应;- 地板采暖系统;- 安装报警服务;- 设备齐全的厨房:组合冰箱、烤箱、微波炉、电磁炉;请联系我们以获取有关饰面图的所有信息,立即与我们的房地产顾问之一预约参观。RÉPLICA,房地产参考。在国内市场耕耘 35 年,我们应用有利于业主和买家的良好实践和方法,为所有参与者提供最佳结果。我们在提供房地产服务方面始终秉承严谨的定位,依靠我们专业团队的经验和有效的广告和营销解决方案来支持我们的活动。我们保证最大的谨慎和卓越的服务。.