阿菲费带游泳池、花园和海景的四卧室住宅您是否曾梦想在阳台上享用早餐,聆听小鸟的啁啾,欣赏美妙的海景?这栋现代建筑风格的住宅非常靠近阿菲费市中心和所有服务设施,在安静的环境中提供一切舒适设施,是作为永久住所或度假场所的理想选择。这栋四卧室的房产以其果树庭院而引人注目,但最引人注目的是游泳池和非常宽敞的起居室,起居室铺有 Garapa 木地板,可欣赏海滩(蓝旗海滩)、田野和附近山丘的全景,让您尽情欣赏阿菲费独一无二的明亮和多彩的绿色。靠近安科拉、莫莱杜和卡米尼亚的维拉普拉亚,这个阿尔托米尼奥的明珠早已被选为居住和投资的场所。特点:- 4 间卧室(一间套房)- 2 间完整的浴室 + 服务卫生间- 可欣赏海景的阳台- 卧室露台- 洗衣房- 机器房/储藏室- 带衣柜的卧室- 中央供暖- 客厅壁炉“从维亚纳堡出发,船只发现了巴西的黄金和印度的香料,因此这座城市是评估其领土上参观动机集中程度的大西洋一颗完美的明珠:遗产、海滩、景观、美食和一个被誉为全国最大的朝圣活动。从历史悠久的市中心开始,那里有 16 世纪的精美建筑。在共和国广场,“城市的会客厅”,一切都围绕着中心喷泉:古老的市政厅大楼、慈悲教堂和慈悲之家,正面装饰着令人惊叹的细节。然后参观建于中世纪的主教座堂,从众多露台之一欣赏装饰有古老瓷砖的纹章外墙,这些瓷砖装饰了整个这个典型的米尼奥广场。不要错过自由大道,在那里您可以看到由该国最优秀建筑师设计的当代建筑,西扎维埃拉市立图书馆、费尔南多塔沃拉的多功能建筑和爱德华多索托莫拉文化中心。装饰艺术博物馆坐落在一座 17 世纪的独特贵族豪宅中,拥有著名的维亚纳瓷器厂最重要的和最有价值的收藏之一,以及其他精美的收藏。在滨河区,由于维亚纳有河流、海洋和山脉,您可以欣赏圣地亚哥达巴拉城堡,它是波尔图和北部地区旅游实体的现址,埃菲尔桥和维亚纳堡造船厂的设施,在黄金时代建造了环游世界的大型船只。吉尔伊内斯号医院船就是这样一艘船,它有着非凡的历史,可以在其内部了解,了解这艘医院船如何在数十年的时间里为纽芬兰和格陵兰岛的鳕鱼船队提供支持,自 1955 年以来。在圣卢齐亚山顶,城市的保护者和守护者,是圣卢西亚神殿和同名的铁器时代城堡。从那里可以看到著名的阿菲费、诺特、阿莫罗萨或卡斯特洛德内瓦海滩,深受度假者和水上运动爱好者的喜爱。八月,这座城市将发生变化,以庆祝圣母玛利亚痛苦节。不容错过的是海上游行,其中包括一艘拖网渔船上的图像和在海滩上观看的虔诚人群,或者里贝拉街上的花毯,不要忘记民族游行和服装节,在那里,美丽的米尼奥塔斯穿着新娘、女管家和女农民的服装,炫耀着沉重的耳环、项链、丝线和闪亮的金手镯。.
3 bedroom Afife villa with sea, countryside and mountain views, consisting of basement, ground floor, 1st floor and attic. Basement: Office; Laundry; Lounge and games; Wine cellar; Counter with sink for dishwasher; Garage; stairs to the ground floor. Ground floor: Kitchen; WC with shower; Dining and living room with fireplace; Access stairs to the 1st floor.1st Floor: Bedroom hall; Bathroom with whirlpool bath; Bedroom 1 with dressing room, sea and countryside view; Bedroom 2 with built-in wardrobe, mountain and railway line views; Bedroom 3 with built-in wardrobe, mountain view and railway line;Attic: habitable, currently used as a bedroom. Exterior of the villa: Patio on the ground floor with access to the living room with sea and countryside views. Highlights: 3 bedroom semi-detached house with two fronts in Afife with sea, countryside and mountain views; Access to the house through both facades; Kitchen equipped with hob, oven, extractor fan, refrigerator, dishwasher and TV; Recently refurbished with modern lines as well as floors, kitchen, living room, bedroom hall with white stone application on the wall; Access staircase to the 1st floor enjoys direct light through a skylight; Aluminum frames with triple glazing;Heating;Patio with sea and countryside views, access to the living room and also allows access to the street. Excellent location, as it enjoys a wide range of services, as well as hypermarkets, health centre, hospital, pharmacies, restaurants, beaches 3 minutes by car, 15 minutes by car from the city of Viana do Castelo, etc.. .We are a real estate company that has been operating in the Real Estate Sales market for over 19 years.With a standard of seriousness in the provision of real estate services, we seek to do good business efficiently, thus providing peace of mind to our customers. Originally created to sell properties tailored to the needs of our clients.Our team of employees is made up of experienced professionals, with extensive knowledge to suggest the best alternatives. In addition, we have a fully computerised system optimised for the digital market, which allows greater agility in the search and adaptation of the property profile to the client's requests.