仅当您满足以下必备条件时才拨打电话:- 租户需提供工作合同和至少6个月的工资单;- 银行对账单作为工资收入证明;- 2023年的IRS(税务申报);- 保证人需提供与租户相同的证件;- 需要支付2个月的租金和2个月的押金。ONLY call if you meet the following MANDATORY conditions:- Tenants with job contracts and with at least 6 months of payslips to present- Bank statements as proof of salary reception- IRS of 2023- Portuguese Garantors with the same conditions above- Will be necessary the payment of 2 months of rent and 2 of deposit(以下为房产描述,无需翻译).