海景2卧室公寓,位於卡斯卡伊斯Alameda da Guia嘅Rua do Farol,Sacolinha da Guia身,距離著名嘅海灘同多個旅遊景點僅幾分鐘路程,如Quinta da Marinha高爾夫球場東望洋燈塔Casa da Guia同Boca de Inferno 在周邊地區,我哋可以搵到公立同私立學校餐館同休閒場所公共交通服務業和商業以及當地最近翻新嘅頂層公寓,裝修精美,位於一棟有序的建築中,有兩部電梯,公寓價值70歐元已包含喺租金中 作為5樓都係最後一層,可以一覽無餘地欣賞海景,建築靣積為70平方米,房間分布非常合理: ·帶壁爐嘅大客廳同朝南嘅露台,自然光線充足; ·現代廚房,設施齊全,配有抽油煙機陶瓷爐焗爐微波爐熱水器,可通往露台; ·2間帶內置衣櫃和露台嘅卧室,1間連接浴室; ·設施齊全嘅客用浴室; 公寓擁有現代同優質嘅飾面,帶有雙層玻璃同Oscilo Jambs系統嘅白色PVC框架裝甲門帶內置LED燈嘅假天花板成個屋預裝冷氣,以及其他細節,你可以透過訪問確認 由於其喺呢個大海身嘅住宅區嘅優越地理位置,擁有各種服務和傳統商業設計同家具店咖啡館和餐館公共交通學校遊樂場等 我有任何問題嗎? 請隨時與我哋聯繫!AliasHouse Real Estate擁有一支團隊,可以在購買出售或租賃房產的整個過程中為您提供嚴謹和自信的幫助留下您的聯繫方式,我哋將免費畀你打電話!周邊地區:(對於嗰啲唔瞭解卡斯卡伊斯嘅人)卡斯卡伊斯係一個以其同名村莊而聞名嘅地區,距離里斯本同國際機場30分鐘路程,里斯本喺當今嘅歐洲市場上留低咗自己嘅印記 卡斯卡伊斯擁有7個高爾夫球場,位於海灣邊,擁有海灘美食商業和世界主義幾個馬術俱樂部幾個衝浪俱樂部( Guincho )一個賭場一個碼頭同眾多休閒空間 它坐落喺大西洋嘅邊緣,係西歐少有嘅面向海洋並使用水作為城市定義元素嘅城市之一 自19世紀末以來,卡斯卡伊斯村一直係葡萄牙國民同外國人最欣賞嘅旅遊目的地之一,因為遊客可以享受溫和嘅氣候海灘風景酒店優惠各種美食文化活動同各種國際活動,如全球冠軍巡迴賽- GCT高爾夫同帆船錦標賽 它無疑係葡萄牙最美麗最完整嘅村莊之一這則廣告係由Computer Routine發佈嘅 所有數據都需要由地產中介確認.. . 能源率: D ref: AH2428-CN.
This is 4 Bedroom apartment (3 suites) with sea views and a spacious balcony of approximately 25m2.This property offers a fabulous living and dining room of approximately 130m2, with a, facing the sea and with access to the balcony and a fireplace The dining room connects to the fully equipped kitchen with appliances and marble. Also in the social area you will find a social hall and a half bath.Going towards the private area separated by a door you will find a large multipurpose room (TV, Office, kids room, studio) and 2 suites with bathrooms also in marble, heated floors and electric towel rails. The spacious Master suite has a large closet and bathroom.This apartment with a splendid sea view is located in a private condominium with 24-hour security, two swimming pools (indoor and outdoor) on the Costa da Guia, between Quinta da Marinha and Gandarinha, in one of the most exclusive locations in Cascais and also with two parking spaces and a storage room.Schedule your visit now!Features:- 3 suites-1 Multipurpose room- lavatory- wooden floor- Carrara marble- fireplace- balcony- fully equipped kitchen - air conditioning- heated floor- electric towel rack- built-in closet- 24-hour condominium- indoor and outdoor pool- garage- storage room 能源率: C ref: APA_1161.