Apartment of typology T1 with balcony, inserted in new private condominium with swimming pool and gym, near the beach in Espinho. The apartment is located on the 0th floor and has a total area of 85.09 m2 (fraction + balcony + parking + common areas).This condo presents itself as the first step you've always dreamed of starting your life! The project is conceived with the landscape harmony in mind, where the trait of modernity prevails, functionality and integration of environments that transmit greater housing efficiency and provide greater family life.The development presents itself as a 'true feeling of getting home' where all the interior spaces were designed to enjoy comfort, elegance, exclusivity and that transmits maximum tranquility and exults a healthy lifestyle.Innovative, jovial and refined, the development stands out for being a development oriented to those who want family well-being, enjoy the quality of life with which they have always dreamed and have a young attitude of 'home living', where you can take advantage of all the services of excellence that this private condominium offers: Swimming Pool; Private Garden; Gym with Sea View. With proximity to the center, to various commercial areas and services, this development was specially developed to provide quality of life to its residents!Thorn is more urban!
探索您在奥瓦尔市中心的新家!我们展示了这套设备齐全的宏伟五居室公寓,位于一栋享有声望的建筑的 11 楼,三面朝南、西和北,可捕捉光线。一个在舒适、私密的环境中生活并欣赏城市壮丽景色的独特机会。公寓特色:空间和独特性:这间公寓占据整个 11 楼,提供宽敞的空间和无与伦比的隐私。凭借两个独立的入口,使用灵活性得到保证。采光和景观:三面允许全天享受充足的日照,并享有令人叹为观止的开阔视野。设备齐全:设备齐全,从第一天起即可提供最大的舒适性和便利性。车库:设有两个车库位,可为您的车辆提供更大的便利和安全性。优越的地理位置:中心地带:距离奥瓦尔火车站、市中心和市政市场仅几步之遥,您需要的一切都在步行距离之内。可达性:可轻松前往高速公路,距离仅 5 分钟车程,可快速轻松地连接到其他地方。高处的宁静:坐落在高层,享受难以找到的隐私和宁静的环境,远离城市的喧嚣。为什么选择这间公寓?便利和舒适:中心位置与建筑高度带来的宁静之间的完美结合。独特的生活方式:非常适合大家庭或在城市环境中寻求空间和多功能性的人。极佳的景观:欣赏奥瓦尔市的广阔全景,全景视野是通往地平线的真正窗口。不要错过这个千载难逢的机会,住在汇集所有理想品质的公寓中:中心位置、空间、隐私和壮观的景色。立即安排您的参观,来认识一下您未来的家!有关更多信息和参观预约,请联系我们。重新激活新家!.
带车库的联排别墅,位于阿拉达斯,地处安静的住宅区,靠近阿威罗市中心。这栋房子非常适合那些寻求舒适、空间和优越位置的人。别墅共有三层,分布如下:地下室:在底层,我们发现了一个宽敞且用途广泛的空间,非常适合用作社交场所或休闲区。这层楼通过内部楼梯与一楼相连,确保了房屋的便利出入和流通。它还设有一个卫生间、一个专门用于洗衣服的隔间和一个宽敞的车库,为您的日常生活提供便利和实用性。一楼:进入别墅后,在一楼,我们被一个温馨的门厅迎接,通向一个宽敞明亮的客厅,非常适合放松和家庭聚会,还有一个服务卫生间。现代化且设备齐全的厨房提供了一个实用的就餐空间。二楼:楼上由三间宽敞的卧室组成(其中两间是套房),提供私密而独特的环境。这层楼还有一个储藏室。这栋房子提供了品质、便利和宁静的完美结合。不要错过了解这处房产的机会。8 月 1 日的参观时间为上午 11:30 至下午 1:30,下午 5:30 至晚上 7:30。租赁条件:不可续签的 1 年合同;2 个月租金加上 1 个月租金作为押金;出示租户经济能力证明(最近 3 到 6 个月的工资单、最近的个人所得税申报表、清算通知书、劳动关系证明)。注意:正在等待专业摄影报道。使用许可证 - 75/2011。.