设备齐全的工作室,带令人惊叹的露台。非常适合流动工作者(医生、护士、教师等)。最长住宿时间:9 个月。电费、水费、网络费另加 150 欧元。提供额外付费的清洁服务,包括更换床单和毛巾。所示月租适用于 1 人。对于 2 人,每月增加 150 欧元。.
转售房产 - Urban 32:埃斯皮尼奥唯一提供游泳池的开发项目,提供无与伦比的体验和生活方式。特征:・豪华装修・封闭式住宅区・游泳池・健身房・私人花园・朝南・1.53 米宽的大阳台・设备齐全的厨房・所有环境(客厅和卧室)均配有空调・A+ 等级热泵,用于加热水・电梯・车库・距离海滩 900 米。・靠近市中心、各种商业区和服务・租赁条件:最短租赁期 12 个月,2 个月租金押金和 2 个月保证金。租赁需视提交的所有文件而定。您是否正在寻找海边的梦想家园或具有出色回报前景的有希望的房地产投资?我向您展示了一个独特的机会,让您住在一个独家封闭式住宅区,那里遍布豪华设施,距离埃斯皮尼奥美妙的海滩仅 900 米。对于那些重视生活质量和舒适度,同时又不愿放弃便利性的人来说,这是一个完美的避风港,周围的一切应有尽有。这套宏伟的公寓提供设备齐全的厨房和客厅和卧室的所有环境中的空调系统,确保您在一年中的每个季节都能感到舒适。能源效率是重中之重,A+ 等级热泵用于加热水,证明了可持续性和经济性。享受豪华装修的房产,提升您在此空间中的生活体验。令人难以置信的阳台提供了一个不可抗拒的邀请,让您享受独一无二的放松时刻,并有足够的空间。该住宅区还提供一个游泳池,供您休闲和放松,一个设备齐全的健身房,供您保持锻炼计划,以及一个私人花园,营造宁静而独特的环境。地理位置同样优越,靠近市中心、各种商业区和基本服务,将宁静与城市便利融为一体。不要错过这次机会,预约参观,发现这套奇妙的公寓为您提供的一切,来认识一下您的梦想家园。租赁条件:最短租赁期 12 个月,2 个月租金押金和 2 个月保证金。租赁需视提交的所有文件而定。如需更多信息和说明,请随时与我联系。.
Apartment of typology T1 with balcony, inserted in new private condominium with swimming pool and gym, near the beach in Espinho. The apartment is located on the 0th floor and has a total area of 85.09 m2 (fraction + balcony + parking + common areas).This condo presents itself as the first step you've always dreamed of starting your life! The project is conceived with the landscape harmony in mind, where the trait of modernity prevails, functionality and integration of environments that transmit greater housing efficiency and provide greater family life.The development presents itself as a 'true feeling of getting home' where all the interior spaces were designed to enjoy comfort, elegance, exclusivity and that transmits maximum tranquility and exults a healthy lifestyle.Innovative, jovial and refined, the development stands out for being a development oriented to those who want family well-being, enjoy the quality of life with which they have always dreamed and have a young attitude of 'home living', where you can take advantage of all the services of excellence that this private condominium offers: Swimming Pool; Private Garden; Gym with Sea View. With proximity to the center, to various commercial areas and services, this development was specially developed to provide quality of life to its residents!Thorn is more urban!
Apartment of typology T1 with balcony, inserted in new private condominium with swimming pool and gym, near the beach in Espinho. The apartment is located on the 0th floor and has a total area of 85.09 m2 (fraction + balcony + parking + common areas).This condo presents itself as the first step you've always dreamed of starting your life! The project is conceived with the landscape harmony in mind, where the trait of modernity prevails, functionality and integration of environments that transmit greater housing efficiency and provide greater family life.The development presents itself as a 'true feeling of getting home' where all the interior spaces were designed to enjoy comfort, elegance, exclusivity and that transmits maximum tranquility and exults a healthy lifestyle.Innovative, jovial and refined, the development stands out for being a development oriented to those who want family well-being, enjoy the quality of life with which they have always dreamed and have a young attitude of 'home living', where you can take advantage of all the services of excellence that this private condominium offers: Swimming Pool; Private Garden; Gym with Sea View. With proximity to the center, to various commercial areas and services, this development was specially developed to provide quality of life to its residents!Thorn is more urban!
安塔埃斯皮诺出租一卧室公寓,配有电梯和可停放一辆车的车库,厨房设备齐全,并安装了空调。优越的地理位置,位于埃斯皮诺市入口,Rua 33,朝北/朝西,可欣赏城市和大海的景色。靠近学校,可轻松到达高速公路,距离市中心仅 2 分钟车程。装修地图1.1 各方面- 木质浮动地板,橡木饰面和陶瓷薄片- 烤漆木工制品- 白色烤漆门和橱柜,高度与空间总高度一致- 烤漆中密度纤维板踢脚线- 大厅采用高贵木材饰面的中密度纤维板墙板(高至 2 米)- 带照明灯槽的室内吊顶- 陶瓷甲板阳台地板- 悬挂式卫生洁具手柄- 照明和百叶窗总开关系统- 彩色可视对讲机和“BPT 型外部按钮- 自动化外部门- 有线电视和数据- 管道煤气1.2 舒适- 空调 - 多联分体式- 中央吸尘预安装- 热泵系统- 外部遮阳帘1.3 安全- “Porseg” 型安全门,覆有烤漆面板- 火灾和一氧化碳探测器(车库)- 车库自然通风系统2. 室内装修2.1 大厅和楼梯- 铺设整平陶瓷材料的地板- 大厅采用高贵木材饰面的中密度纤维板墙板(高至 2 米)- 镀锡墙壁2.2 客厅- 橡木浮动地板- 镀锡墙壁- 窗帘灯槽2.3 厨房- 中密度纤维板防潮橱柜,覆有纹理美耐皿饰面和热熔饰面,高光饰面- 预装嵌入式厨房设备(炉灶;烤箱;微波炉;油烟机,洗碗机)- W 2007 单柄龙头- Silstone 台面和家具之间的空间- 铺设整平陶瓷材料的地板和墙壁- 带 LED 聚光灯照明吊顶2.4 服务卫生设施- Sanindusa 悬挂式马桶- Sanindusa 台上盆- W 2007 单柄龙头- 带 LED 聚光灯照明的假天花板- 白色烤漆饰面的中密度纤维板防潮悬挂式橱柜- 铺设整平陶瓷薄片材料的地板和墙壁2.5 完整卫生设施- Sanindusa 悬挂式卫生洁具- 带 Sanindusa 台上盆的烤漆台面- W 2007 单柄龙头- 带 LED 聚光灯照明的假天花板- 白色烤漆饰面的中密度纤维板防潮悬挂式橱柜- 铺设整平陶瓷材料的地板和墙壁- 钢化玻璃淋浴房隔断- 淋浴底座- 加热毛巾架2.7 卧室- 橡木浮动地板- 镀锡墙壁- 白色烤漆门和橱柜,高度与空间总高度一致;内部采用三聚氰胺- 带 LED 聚光灯照明的假天花板- 窗帘灯槽- 外部遮阳帘2.8 车库- 车库位- 混凝土饰面地板3. 外部装修3.1 外部装修- 阳台、露台和公共场所的地板采用陶瓷板。- 外墙采用光滑的保温系统,饰面为油漆,- 外墙采用光滑的保温系统,饰面为陶瓷薄片(底层)。- 铝板覆层,饰面为木色(建筑物入口)- 铝合金折边门槛和窗台- 住宅露台采用天然色混凝土板- “Aquapanel” 型板材外部假天花板- 金属化铁结构外部五金件(门和门廊),覆有铝板- 带隔热断裂的铝合金外框,采用“Cortizo” 型和无色双层玻璃- 玻璃层压板外部护栏.