可用。家具齐全。不含开支。此房产在 Uniplaces. com 上市,这是一个在线平台,您可以在其中找到数百间可供出租的房间和公寓。在 Uniplaces,租赁过程完全在线进行,无需实地看房:我们的团队会亲自检查房产,并精心挑选房东,以便于您轻松找到下一处住所,并节省您的时间。不要浪费时间,立即在线预订!注意:以下描述是使用 Google 翻译自动翻译的:如果您正在寻找一间可以称之为家的公寓,并且位于波尔图最好的区域之一,那么不要错过福兹的这间公寓。公寓有一间带独立浴室的舒适双人卧室,以及一间客厅和一间厨房。客厅宽敞,厨房设备齐全。公寓的装饰清新典雅,家具舒适实用。您将非常靠近海滩,以及葡萄牙天主教大学波尔图分校和塞拉维斯基金会公园和花园!您会错过这个机会吗?.
Apartment located on Rua Padre Luís Cabral, fully furnished and ready to move in. The property consists of a suite with an en-suite bathroom, an additional bedroom, a second full bathroom, and a fully equipped kitchen with modern appliances.It also includes a private outdoor parking space inside the building, providing greater convenience and security.This flat represents an excellent opportunity for those looking for a comfortable, functional and high-quality space, in an already fully furnished environment.